Looking good man loving that lush green!
Time is just flying by. The organics are starting to show sex now. So far it’s looking like 50/50 male female mix. The HP in coco is getting close but at 3.5 weeks it’s still a little early to tell. All the coco have moved to their final pots and are up to full strength nutes. I accidentally folded over one of the vanilla frosting a few days ago but it seems to be recovering now. I just had to bury it up to it’s neck to support it. I got all the HP’s topped and started training. The VF still have another week or two, but I’ll probably switch the lights in the next few days. @Budbrother @LiesGrows any thoughts on pre flower top dress? As soon as I get see some pistils I’m going to move them from 3 gal pots to 20 gals that have been cooking for a few weeks. Shouldn’t the big pots have plenty N and micros get them through flower, or should I just go ahead and hit them again just to be thorough. I just don’t want a repeat of the last round.
Looking good man and i personally like to go with a 80% BRB and 20% GMV blend when going into flower followed with a layer of compost and castings i trying to get amendments in about 3 weeks prior to flipping
With fresh soil, I agree. The only cavity would be based upon BioChar 30% usage. This requires more N to function without sequestering nutrients away from soil.
No extra biochar yet. Just the little bit that was in the origional 3.0 ammendment. I’ve been separating it out of the ash from the wood stove, but it’s been so warm until this last week I haven’t collected much.
I knew I should left that out but I didn’t wanna overlook something or just assume knowledge.
That wouldn’t be BioChar as that’s made in high heat no oxygen with different cell structure. You would still need to charge this charcoal up or it will leach from the soil.
To be clear I don’t use the ash or half burnt junk. I have a well sealed pipeline stove with a rack in the middle. The small char fuel goes under the rack and the coals sit on top so exhaust gasses pass through the bed of coals as they are cooked out of the fuel. I can do a lot more volume than with the coffee can methods. Near as I can tell it’s pretty good quality. It’s char all the way through, No smell, taste, or tar, very light and fluffy and seems to sound good. I say all this to preface the question did I miss somthing? Is there a reason to use the coffee can retort or build a bigger one?
Funny enough that I get. Crispy glass? Broke my share of fluoro tubes so that’s what I hear and equate
Unaware of your method. Seems legit in description. Damn sure better than I’ve heard on here in the past. I thought about buying some of the cow patty char to try for shits n giggles. Figured I’d get a piss out of it.
In the early days of my sparky career we did a lot of led upgrades in office buildings. Naturally I broke many a floro tube over my brothers head and vice versa.
I just researched and thought about it all summer and that’s what I came up with using what I have on hand and the stove I already use to heat the house. I don’t really have a problem with building something, but I don’t like single use tools if I can avoid it.
The company I worked for handled commercial swaps so we had pallets to bust down into dumpsters. This was before that became a crime due to the mercury. Maybe that’s why I’m a little bit off hehe. I sure coated my lungs many occasions.
I’d like to blame the mercury, but I was pretty off long before that
I proudly blame the mass of hallucinogens I’ve gorged on.
Idk about that. I and those who know me best (Including my extreamly conservative family) generally agree that I have gotten closer to “normal” and more agreeable since I discovered psychedelics. For many of us I think it can be a valid way to reset the brain pan and put life’s problems back into perspective. IMO a few hits of acid every once in a while is probably better than a lifetime on an MAOI or benzos, but that’s just one psychonauts opinion
I just always craved psychedelics to feel normal for a little while and fight the darkness. I become much higher functioning and have clarity without clutter. I hold positivity for a week or more. It wasn’t until the book on microdosing was published, and I finally understood why
I posted a study on my topic that confirms long-term affects of mescaline use on brain show higher functioning than non users brains with age. I need every little bit to fight that Alzheimer’s gene. It skips a generation in my family, so I am due.
Interesting, I haven’t seen much on mescaline. I have seen some research on psilocybin and LSD and DMT that stop just short of claiming they can slow or even in some bold claims stop or reverse symptoms of AD or slow brain ageing, but given it’s status the research is pretty sparse and there is a lot of debate. I’m not smart enough to really make sense of most of it. All I have is subjective experience. I do find it all fascinating though.
Mescaline in its true forum is wonder to be had, the dots we got in school where good, but nothing like out of a button, a good read is " The Mescal Man" I did a report in lit class in 9 th grade off the book.
I’ve heard some stories from some of the old heads, but I could never find a trustworthy source around here. Most of the gummies suck too
Yea would not trust it any more, unless grown myself.
believe me I’ve considered it. From veggies to weed I usually find that homegrown is the best.
I did the first real prune and on the organics this morning. They were starting to get too dense. They have just been exploding the last few days. I sure wish they would hurry up and pop some pistils. I’m having to water almost daily in the little pots. The Coco is coming along as well. The 2 VF’s are a little squatty since they’ve been sharing a light with the big ones but they’re starting to catch up a little. I should be decapitating them soon as well.