I used them last run, when the girls had a deficiency, pulled me outta the sh!t, then I went back to organic so… It definitely has the required nutrients to grow…
Thank u my enlightened friend.
Those Tiger Lilies look amazing
Well, they all look great, but the first one is my favorite!
Thanks kap, it took awhile to find that one, lionheart. ordered from everywhere an turn out to be something else, finally got one 2 yrs ago lol its prolly my fav out of all of em. Lily trumpet trees are next to bloom. Just wait lol
Truly gorgeous.
I have these at home :
They flowers only towards the end of summer for us, but these are my favorites flowers we have growing here (aside from cannabis)
Oh dang kap, those are gorgeous, I gotta find some of those that is a bright yellow, I looking else where for ya,
They are called Oriental Lily or Japanese Lily…
Thank ya sir. Get a chance look into tango lily
Yes sir. I order those an a sunset tango they call it
Gorgeous flowers my friends,
I must confess I seem incapable of growing any flower that isn’t marijuana
My Brother that’s some sweet bud footage rite there!!
Happy birthday my enlightened friend hope it’s a well lit awesome day @Enlightened420
Thank you brother d, you gotta see this ****, 48 hrs later an never saw this before, an all I’ve done was experiment with multi Vs lol I read an article about using vitamins, so 2weeks ago I gave 3 multivitamins to bb in the water, an this passed Thursday repeated, idk if i messed up or found a good solution
You have my utmost interest My Brother! What multi vitiman?
What brand multivitamin!? I’m buying a case!
That is insane!
One a day for women, high in b vitamins an d, rinse off the coating under cool water an let em dissolve in water, ph just for fun an didnt need anything was 6.7, ppm was about 1800,