I’d hit that
I’m a light weight lol there’s still half of it, I’m sending signals ur way right now
Looking Great Brother and tell bosslady she is doing Great! Love the chill spot!! Plants look Amazing!
Appreciate it that much brother, an thank you much for the I’ll most definitely pass it on the her brother. Hope all is going well with you an yours
Strawberry cough fem, day 2 above ground, this one had a helmet stuck but should be good now, trying to get lights dialed in, still learning everyday
Looking mighty nice around your garden brother …
Thank you much brother, I’m still here an growing, I gotta work on pic posting an updating lol
Love it! Great looking girls!
Thank ya @MoBilly
@imSICKkid no organization over here lol a lot has happened from the start of this thread, an I believe im prolly the worst on updates, it’s when I get time an can not on the go, wont be blowing up notifications tho lol, you see something I dont call it, open to any an all neg or pos input
Looking awesome My Brother!
Thanks bro, I’m working on getting back on track lol I need to change the title to bull with unknown we all over the place, hope all is well your way brother an you
I’m golden My Brother! And I love all the
I’m high as you know what. Not quite over the
yet but workin on it!
Man come join me, I was riding the Zhurong rover around mars awhile ago
My Brother but you got me ROFLMMFOA
Sorry I haven’t ever chimed in here @Unknown. Lovely meaty plants! I’m no good at keeping up with everything here lately, I totally understand about updates. I’d need a hell of a secretary to be an effective scientist.
Now you got me doin a nother bong rip!!
Most definitely understand my friend, glad to see ya tho, an hope all is well your way