Growing DRsDank

Don’t believe the hype! Lol

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Changing the way I use the lights. I have 3 lights in each of my tents. They all run the same 12 hour cycle 10pm to 10am. I am going to change that so that only 2 lights are on at a time. I will have to use 3 timers for this to work. One for each light. It will go like this.
10pm 11pm. 10pm on
12am. 1am. 11pm off
1am. 2am. 12am on
3am. 4am. 2am off
4am. 5am. 3am on
6am. 7am. 5am off
7am. 8am. 6am on
9am. 10am. 8am off
9am on
10am off

Will look like this in the tent.
O = on. F = off

O F O. 1
O O F. 2
F O O. 3
O F O. 4
O O F. 5
F O O. 6
O F O. 7
O O F. 8
F O O. 9
O F O. 10
O O F. 11
F O O. 12

Ok that eliminates the usage of the equivalancy of 1 light for 12 hours. I think it’s only needed in the flower cycle. In the veg cycle I lnly run 2 lights at max 50% sometimes lower.
The new light cycle will hopefully cut down on some heat in the tent.
@dbrn32 @Storm @ModestMoose67 @Ickey @Aussie_autos @Growdoc
What do you think since I only grow 4 at a time in a 55x28x80. Will this still give enough light. The lights are sayhon sh2000 with 208 actual watts each so I will always have 416 actual watts.
The last week or 2 I could crank all 3 full power. Do you think any benifit there. Should build more trichomes but will they have time to ripen. No sense having them if they are going to still be clear when the rest are ripe.


I think your plants will all do what they need to but you’ll probably see a pretty significant reduction in harvest weight. What you’re doing is essentially running the grow with light and changing the location of said light.

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Yes thats correct. I thought it would be like haveing a light mover going back and forth. Difference is I would be doing it with timers. Thought about doing it that way but already have more lights and timers than I can use. If you see any studies that were done using this method I would be interested in reading them.
I have not found any.
Guess I’ll find out next run. It’s all about trying new things right.
Thanks for the input. Value your opinions.


@MeanJoeBraxtonIII Thought I would get it off of his thread.

Couldn’t believe there were so many in 1 tree.


Dropped 4 new seeds today. 8/30/24 Fat Bastard, Blackberry Moon Rocks, Permanent Marker and Godfather OG. Started the soak in bottled water and 3% peroxide yesterday on a seedling heat mat in the dark. Let soak 24 hours then today put in solo cups they had about a 1/4 inch tail. Cups have promix bx straight from bag and extreme Mycorrhizal. Same time I dropped seeds I put promix and extream Mycorrhizal in bucket mixed really well added water. Enough to moisten but not wet.
Today filled cups full packed it in not hard but packed. That left cups about 2/3 full. Placed seed in middle of cup using a teaspoon. Put about another 1/2 inch of promix on top and leveled it. Set cups in shade not dark.

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Forgot to say. Put domes on top. Domes are cups with the top rim cut off.
@Growdoc had basically the same problem you did. Exept mine came up and stalled out. Should be twice the size they are now. Not getting rid of them. Just going to see if these pass them up. I soaked the last batch to long. Got side tracked. They came all of the way out of the shell. I’m sure they will take off eventually.

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Happy to say I put the Pancakes sprouts in solos yesterday and today they are 1in tall out of medium. This is what I usually get, I just had zero faith those seeds were gonna make anything. Seed company agreed and I got tracking on the Bubblegum Sherbet they replaced them with. Be here first of the week!

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I hope they get lined out for you !

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All of the seeds sprouted. This is 4 days after putting in promix.

These are the first ones that should be bigger at 2 weeks old.

This is an auto quarter pounder thats in the same room 3 weeks into flower. Seeds were dropped 7/7/24.


These are the new ones. 7 days after promix

The ones that stalled out. Looks like they are taking off a little.

The upstairs auto.


Heres the baby’s yesterday.

The ones that stalled out.

The trichomes in big tent. Almost ready. Couple more days to a week.


Checked a different plant today.
Here are the pics.

Harvested got 248 grams wet on stems so about 2 ounces dry.

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Going back to air pots bought an off brand this time.

GROW-GREEN 3 Gallon air Pruning pots New Plastic Nursery Pot Fruit Vegetable Garden self-Planting pots (10), Black (3G-10P)

Last time I bought the originals. Still have and am going to use in the near future. Bought an off brand because they are only 3 gallon with 10x10 dimentions and so much cheaper. The air pots were 12 inches around so I had to modify them. Cut base so when assembled was only 10 inches. Another thing I like about the new ones is that the top 2 rows don’t have holes in them wish it was top 3. With the others I filled the top 3 rows with silicone. Another plus of these over cloth pots is they sit an inch of the floor to allow runoff and not suck it back up. In the beginning I would leave the runoff in the catch tray to evaporate for humidity. One tray for all plants. Dog pan for a dog kennel. I have lots of air flow and need humidity in the tent. In between watering I use to put water in the pan under the plants for the humidity since going to cloth pots I can’t do that. Don’t know what else I can say about it.
Toke toke Don’t pass.

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This is hard to do. Every time I pick up phone they fly away. They know.

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Wow got it twice in a row from both feeders. If curious it is female.

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Put these in the air pots last night. Filled with 75% promix Bx and 25% perlite along with
Xtreme Gardening HGC721205 Mykos Pure Mycorrhizal Inoculant Organic Root Enhancer, 2.2 lbs, Black
These were the plants that stalled out on me. Now I hope they don’t stretch any more. Gave them a lot of light for the size they are.

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Forgot the pics.

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Mixed soil today for the baby’s. 75% promix 25% perlite some Mycorrhizae. Moistened letting it set to even out moisture.

@Growdoc how are your new baby’s doing are they in permanent pots yet.

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