@Paranorman Your guess is as good as mine, friend. I’m good at herbs and houseplants, but I’m new at growing cannabis. @bob31 Is there anyway you can center it more in the pot? They do take up quite a bit of room, when they are thriving. And yes, a good watering every two or three weeks is just right. I think it’s going to perk up nicely.
@Herbalist yes, I’m not sure what happened there. I laughed after I looked at the pic again. Lol
@bob31, how is your aloe plant doing in “hospital?” I had a few baby aloes myself that were not doing very well in the windowsill (it’s too cold). I moved them to the grow room a couple of days ago, and they are starting to recover. I wish I had room in there for all my aloes, and my cyclamens, but I don’t. As it is, I just put a new started Amnesia Haze seed into soil a few minutes ago. I still haven’t quite worked out where it’s going to fit when it gets bigger. I might have to stop using the half bath and keep it for just plants.
Hi @Herbalist she’s still struggling but still alive.
Those space issues have a way of working themselves out! I hear the guys talking about the amnesia haze and it gets good words. I think you will like it!