Grow Journal - Summer 2017

Great looking garden man! :+1:

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thanks everyone! I’m really glad I found out about ILGM and joined this forum, I have learned so much and have really enjoyed reading/looking through the various topics and posts. I’ve had some ups and downs with my grow so far, but I’m pretty happy where I’m at right now and am really looking forward to the end of summer & harvesting.


@KritsCannabis Love it! going to look like a forest a few months from now! How big are the pots?

@Sasquatch 10 gallon !

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looking great @KritsCannabis


Your garden area is filling up nicely @KritsCannabis Your security guard is hard at work too I see. :dog:


haha that’s Benny, keeper of the plants! and thank you I’m really excited to see the garden grow with every passing week, can’t wait for the harvest

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Is that really an electric fence?

Leaving your probes in the soil that way will cause them to become inaccurate and the soil will start to erode them… :wink:
Just an FYI…
Lookin good tho… :wink:

:v: :sunglasses:

@peachfuzz thank you I didn’t think about the possible erosion, but I have noticed that I have to move them around to be accurate

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@SourD no it’s actually a jurassic park replica lol my brother gave it to me and you wouldn’t believe how many people mistake it for a real electric fence


It’s been a bit so I figured I’d post an update, everything has been going great and I expect my plants to start to flower in the up coming weeks.

At this point I have Two Purple Urkle clones, and a Northern Lights.

I’m very happy with the seeds I purchased from ILGM, after getting a pack of 15 I’m left with all 5 Blueberry plants, 3 Pineapple Haze and 2 Strawberry Kush. I gave a friend who grows indoors 3 SK and 1 PH which are all doing well.


That is beautiful. :evergreen_tree:


@SourD thank you !! @ktreez420 you had the right idea, although I’m making 13 plants fit/work 9 or 10 would certainly be a better fit in terms of size!

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I love the tarp on the ground idea :bulb:. I got so much bs crawling around the ground. Do you have bug problem?

@SourD I actually just had a minor ant problem, but thankfully was able to catch it early. other than that just the occasional spider

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@KritsCannabis your grow area is filling out well!

Looks great! Don’t know how you move around in there lol