If I knw Familyman NL
I’ve never smoked it but need a good strong one for when my guts want to not be nice
I hear ya man. Its got a lot of fans from what I’ve read, you’re in for a treat I’m a thinkin
I have 3 nl autos and 2 fems
Cool, are you growing both at the same time? That would be very interesting, what with the time thingamagig (18/6 12/12). How’s that work?
Dude you gotta do that “accent” like you did in @Killadruid 's thread, fricken love that
The fems will go outside experiment
But I plan on growing nl mama Mia and gg
I had 2 nl auto seeds 3 poped out hope they all grow 1 might notplaned for 4 but 5 is cool
What did I do what accent
What’d was one of thems twins?
Ya it was amazing 2 poped out of 1
Dude that’s a great Omen!!! Nice, Very Nice!
I will keep them all on 24 for first week then 18/6 until I move the autos into the closet and the fems out side ill do that when ever they outgrow my veg space
What you mean accent
Definitely I’ll be tuned in
Dont mind me man…
Missouri home grow 6 flowering 6 non flowering and 6 clones
I hear Missouri is going to go ahead and get the medical marijuana in gear they legalized it years ago. In Oklahoma I finally have a legal grow
They should make it a federal law and get rid of all the BS. like how much better this world would be if everybody was a stoner instead of a drunk lol.