Grow 14 Gas lantern light and lots of autos šŸ„ø

One of those old ā€œDad-a-gesā€ "if all else fails get a bigger hammer!


Tap the edge of the lid with the non-soap side of a knife. Tap in a counterclockwise way. you could also try running warm/hot water on the center of the lid for a minute then twist

Edit: And donā€™t forget to change that water every day

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That may be the best Jack Herer plant i remember seeing, it looks delicious!


Thanks @Caligurl a friend brought over a monster pair of channel locks and I got it off. @dbrn32 This is insane. I trimmed what would fit in the 4x4 tent and still have this much left to chop down when the tent is free.


A couple buds

I donā€™t normally check wet weight. But since these are big dense buds. I wanted to see if I might get the 1lb mark. I am over the 4lb wet mark and am sure there is close to another 7 - 8 oz left to trim. I may hit close to 1 1/2 lbs for this one. Insane. Maybe ILGMs best auto out there. :grin:


Those are some nice-looking buds.


Sweeeet! Congrats brother, know ya been hoping for a pounder! Which strain is she?

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Im a heck of a guinea pig ive been told :sweat_smile::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Hate to hear about the rot, that stinks. But certainly interested in seeing how water curing turns out. Are you water curing the rot, saw somewhere it can salvage some but not sureā€¦ Been watching a couple others on here do it as well so anxious to try myself.

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Thanks @Deepsix @Nubie419plus1 This is a ILGM Jack Herer auto :grin: I shared a few of these seeds. So there are a few others out there with monsters waiting to be grown :grin: I Lost a main branch early in the grow when I broke it also. So this grow took me by surprise when this just never stopped growing once it hit flower. This was only in veg for 5 weeks. I have good and the buds with the rot in them in the WC jars. I wanted to see for my self if what I keep getting told is true. The top of the biggest cola is in the gallon jar.
I think I am on day 5 of the cure. I am going to keep going till the water is pretty clean. I am guessing that may be 10 days or so because of the mold.


Put a 1/4 cup of peroxide in with them: it will sterilize the fungus and turn into water. Wonā€™t hurt a thing.


Dang! Those are amazing looking bud!!! Harvest congrats!

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I will do that with the water change today @Myfriendis410 :+1: I chopped the rest of this today. I almost forgot to save a bud to show what a couple looked like. I cut them down pretty far to avoid and issues with drying. And Thanks @Caligurl

Now, time to clean up my mess. :grin:


Thatā€™s a nice looking bud, great job Sir.


Now thatā€™s a seriously thick bud!!



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Thanks @Deepsix @Caligurl @Nubie419plus1 . In about 2 hours. I can do a final weight. I cut it down to pretty small buds. To make sure there was no other hidden bud rot. @Myfriendis410 I added some H2O2 with the last water change. I will get every thing rinsed with ro and then dry it out once I have the JH out of the tent.


Well, this grow is now done. I finally got my first 1 lb plant and with an auto :grin: This is the final for this grow

3 3/4 Charlotteā€™s yesterdream
3 /12 AC/DC
6 Super critical bud
5 3/4 Money Bush
2 3/4 Big Bang
2 Cantava
20 3/4 Jack Herrer :grin:

Total is 45.5 oz for the grow. Almost half from the JH. I broke and lost a main branch early on. Have some in the jar water curing that had bud rot For the JH and BB

I am so ready for a break now. The room has been torn down again. I have the 4x8 back up so far and semi complete. I am working on the scrogs. I have this now set up for 3 places of 30" x 28" I will do a test run and see if the 28" depth is ok. If not. I will cut it back 2" I know the lights will cover out to 32" from past grows. I want this to be comfortable working in. I have plans to bring the 5ā€™ tent back also. With a veg area on one side and a 2 spot for plants. So I can run photos and autos together. And not get carried away. I can tear down my 2x4 I veg in now and spin the 4x4 I dry in. That gives me more room to organize that room in. I have a ton of pictures. But havenā€™t really sorted any. Here are a few of the JH though

I cut most of the buds down before remembering I should be taking a few pictures

Thanks for still following even though I havenā€™t been here much. I think I am starting to get things back on track now. I am looking forward to this break. I will be limited to 6 plants max now. And will only be starting 3 right off once I get another grow started :grin: @Antihero @bonnie1


Speechless here! Congratulations.


Congrats on the harvest, those are some nice-looking buds Sir. Canā€™t wait to see your next round of growing.


Ok Partys at your house!