Going the distance with FF Happy Frog

Do you have a PPM meter? Feed as necessary to maintain a ~1,000 runoff PPM.

I’m growing outside in a 100 gal fabric pot. I’ve never checked runoff and not sure how I’d manage to. Gonna do a smaller plastic pot next time. :woozy_face:

PPM meters are cheap, It is a necessary tool to mix the feed ( nutes) spot on every time. 100 gal. fabric pot I’d probably mix five gallon at a time.
Stick with the fabric pots if you decide to use smaller size next time.

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I have a ppp meter. Couldn’t figure how to collect run off so not gonna worry about it. Just checking pH and ppm as I mix. Thanks :blush:

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Yes I understand my friend. I’m old school I don’t go chasing numbers. I make sure my feed is correct ( PPM an PH ) .

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Me too.
31 days of my first ILGM Afghan Auto soil only germinated seed.
Yes I am using FFHF, but I have also added amendments.
Perlite, Bio-char, and Big Foot Mycorrhizae. (go big or go home).
Soil bed prepared 12/25/2024, dry seed dropped.
Pictured 1-1-2025, freed from dome life, for a breather.

Paint the room Pink, first pistils displayed 1-30-2025

Been watering with Jacks RO 6.3/500-1300PPM (target zone).
Unsulfured Molases also (twice).
Soon, time to measure run-offs.
Top dressing also available. (FFHF or FFOF)
Just got to keep the spider mites Dead.

@JayDawg what is your soil choice now?
How did they turn out?

Painted nails, starting to show in a couple of plants.
Time for water only.