Getting ready for my next trial of growth for fall/winter months 😁

9/27 Ordered new seeds, trying different germinate method, see what happens, sour diesel! Dropped in water, on heating pad and covered to be dark

9/28 2 of the 3 cracked the 3rd is looking promising, hopefully by tomorrow

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Trial and error, let’s do this right this time! All 3 have cracked, tomorrow or Monday will be drop in dirt day.

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3 for 3 in 24 hours :grin:

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I’m along for the ride! Looking forward to the progress.

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Best of growing to yea :upside_down_face:

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Sour Diesels! 2nd grow! :smiling_face:

Has anyone else grew this strain? Any tips, tricks, do’s, dont’s, to help a first time growmie start off on the right foot, I’m down to just go with the flow with you guys too.

Black gold soil-started with going to hopefully finish with little errors :crossed_fingers:t4:
Distilled water
Run off tray
Ph meter and humidifier, 2nd fan (in route) for when they move to tent after sprouting, I decided not to dome them so ignore them in this earlier picture

This is tent I’m using, any recommendations to maximize the potential til I upgrade to bigger and better, hopefully next spring.

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Gave the girls a fan.

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Is this tent for seedlings and early veg? Too short for flowering IMO. I have this tent and tried to flower an auto and not very successful, after the light you’re looking at about 28” not counting the height of the pot :love_you_gesture:

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Yeah I was going to try to keep the plant short until I can get another tent not equipped for that with all the house projects taking my money, I guess if it gets to big I can do it in the house with the sanding light.

I’m hoping by Friday these little girls pop up. I’m ready for the show to get started and the stress to start :smile:

48 hours! Hate the waiting game

Does it do better if I let it sprout in the tent or outside the tent or doesn’t it matter, like maybe the temp in the house is to cool to promote growth so it needs isolated heat I looked at the seeds and they haven’t really sprouted anymore than when I put them in Sunday

Oct 2 Update Sour Diesels and Og Kush

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Almost everyone is in their forever home, and tucked in and lights out at 2am. :joy:

Except my sour apple, she’s still hiding in the dirt… tomorrow maybe

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Any inputs on this light, good, bad for a tent of 2x4, 3 plants; 2 gallon and 2-5 gallons

10/3 Update

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Getting a new tent taller since what I’m planting has a height conflict with current little one.