Friend to friend

Cut a couple clones and flower them to find sex

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Guys, I dont know what average daylight in Florida is right now? But if it’s like less than 12 hours a day now those plants will go to flower immediately and be ready to harvest in 2 to 3 months! The best thing would be to make a cheap hoop house outside and try to finish them?

They are only 3 nodes tall he was saying earlier, he wouldn’t harvest much of anything.

That’s the issue with taking babies if you aren’t set up to grow them. You need at a minimum a simple CFL grow light… super cheap ideally with reflector. That will keep them alive long enough to supply them with higher intensity light which you beg, borrow, buy or steal. Indoors without proper ventilation the neighborhood is gonna love ya too! Bathroom fan vents outside with mo filtration and they dont move much air. The house is gonna wreeek bad!

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Or good depending on whether your into weed or not? But seriously I cant grow weed without carbon filters, my wife wouldn’t tolerate the smell, and we have company regularly… chances are we wouldn’t without the filtration. It makes a huge difference! I would buy my weed before trying to grow it without the right gear.

You have two great points from 2 views I agree you should have stuff planned as it will aid in the grow of course but I am always pumped when someone wants to try something new and aee what happens type if attitude just to learn. They were given to them from a friend and he said hes on a budget yes but who knows might be able to pull of some dank! It will stink regardless yes but if legal no worries there.

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So here’s the deal, the new ( legal ) market has created a huge market for grow equipment. The best way to get into this super cheap is buy gently used equipment. There are countless grow shops around the country, nearly all of them sell off used gear. They can refer you to guys selling used gear. There’s no shame in used gear. You can get pre made soil like ffof that will Last dman near the whole grow and use plastic buckets had for free at your local bakery. Food grade and free! With small plants a simple cfl grow light will keep them happy long enough to acquire what you will need, but if you want to play ya gotta pay. You cant grow weed indoors without some investment. You can, however, do it reasonably cheap. That said, when it comes to lighting, which arguably is the most important factor, you either pay upfront with high quality Led or you pay in electricity. So from an investment point of view… it’s about cash flow.

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My first indoor grow about 15 years ago was in the bathtub of my spare bathroom
1 250watt hps with a Mylar shower curtain
No problem