That was pretty high tech. Mine didn’t have timers.
It’s that little bit of “good stress” they like. The same goes for veg stage. The wind resistance causes tissue damage inside the plants triggering the boost in hormones to repair and strength that causes the improvement.
Shade happy to hear you are mapping out this years grow. I have one photo about 2 weeks old. 2 weeks ago today we got 10 inches of snow. Right now it is 75 degrees and will reach 80 later this week. I have my photo outside right now soaking up the sunshine and had been giving her extra hours of light with my cheap grow light (30W) which I’m not sure it did anything. I went ahead and bought a spider famers SE1500 light. My plan is to use it to start plants out this time of year since we are not getting 12 full hours of sunlight. I also tried an auto. I like that it doesn’t take as long but like you said they don’t keep the stash trey full, but I do like having the variety. Hope all goes well for you. Yes I am on Facebook but my screen name is different. @DEEPDIVERDAVE thanks again on the reading material. Spring is my favorite time of year. Can’t wait to get started. @Mr.Mr.Limelight My light came in and I am playing with it already. Got my husband to hang it and will start supplementing extra hours of light for my new plant. I assume I need to purchase the GGS strip to be able to use the app to monitor the light.
Glad you’re light came in
It’s Wi-Fi & Bluetooth strait out the box out the box just download the spider farmer app and plug the light in and it should pair thru the app
it also can controls fan/vent with the phone jack cord’s
The power strip also comes with soil moisture gauge
It’s made if you had older clip fans & ventilation fan with out the phone jack plug each power outlet can be set on there own individual timer