Great looking grow! Those plants are beautiful.
Can’t wait for the update.
Should my tent walls be sucking in or blowing out?? Or does it even matter I have a exhaust up top and a blowing fan bringing in fresh air at the bottom I switched fans because my other one burned up so the new one is a lot stronger and making the wall blow out but before they were always sucked in tight
The exhaust fan blows out which means it’s bringing fresh air in. The circulation fans inside the tent circulates the air thru the plants a fan on the outside blowing in is ok just get it in sync with the exhaust fan. So adjust the exhaust fan to where it’s just starting to suck the walls in.
Yeah I think the fan blowing in is just to strong my exhaust fan is maxed out and the fan on low and the walls still pushing outward
Your rite! Take out the outside fan equal the tent out.
It’s crazy how much difffeent this grow is compared to my first one I’m super impressed with what I’ve grown this time and can’t wait to try these out the smells are crazy and there starting to get some orange And purple colors
How much longer do you guys think I have?

Out of likes, but looking killer!! Looks like you’re getting close. You really need to check the trichs to be sure.
What do you use I have a couple loops but I think the strongest one is only 10x
A 40x loupe works good or a microscope
Any ideas why my plants stems are turning purplish pink colored the plants are healthy never had any problems this grow
Also I’m about to start 4 more in my other tent if I freeze the dirt will it kill off all the pest and there eggs the last bag of fox farm I got was full of bugs and it took me awhile to get rid of them
Unlikely freezing will kill off the pests. Most are able to survive. Where im at we have long cold winters and those damn things pop back up in spring
Are you getting colder temps where your at? Ps gotta check trichomes, but ya gotta couple weeks yet from here
Temps are in the low 20s at night and 45 or 50 during the day but my house is normally right around 68-72
@NorseRow is there anything I can treat my soul with to kill anything off before I start growing
I tried reading up but this is a long thread lol, what pests are you dealing with? Instead of freezing I’ve read people bake their soil on here, that’ll kill everything tho good and bad. Ive only dealt with fungus gnats indoors and i just use sticky paper and that keeps them at bay for me. Had some aphids on the outdoor grow, captain jacks didn’t eradicate them completely but again kept them manageable until fall
I grow indoors and every bag of FFOF I’ve bought is just loaded with aphids and I had the same problem captain jacks didn’t even faze them