First timer indoor, new journal: Black Widow, Bruce Banner and GDP photos

If it’s anything like here, don’t expect much of an evaluation. I submitted my med card app listing ptsd, when I went for the Dr appt the Dr said, “ok, ptsd, we’re not going to talk about that. You’ll receive your ….” Total joke :rofl:


a med card is kinda nice. I didnt renew once rec happened here. My ol lady got missed by a dui because of her card.


Lol ya the person I spoke with for the consult was pushing pretty hard lol. It sucks we have no flower for medical, but i mean, hell, if i can get a card here, then it won’t be long that things really start rolling.


I feel the auto gene can be a sort of wrench in the gears also. Like if the ruderalis isn’t crossed juuuust right it puts too much stress. I had one last year throw 5 or 6 balls at beginning of flower then went on to make some huge fat nugs. They’ve all thrown a seed or two. I’ve got a good bit of rep’s crosses, so one might make it into the next round. I’m giving this one a week depending if she makes male flowers and how many. Then I’ll just have the 2 Forbidden Fruitz Autos in the tent.


Im done with autos as soon as I run outta seeds, some time around april next year. I like the idea of faster harvests, but Im tired of squat plants. Im also of the mind that I would use less seeds, less soil, and less hours work for more flowers. Thinking one or two photos in 7 gal pots would treat me to the same amount of weed I get from 4 autos in 5 gal.


I’m not really gonna back away from autos so much as keep them outside, next year. Nothing else going out this year. There’s a few strains i really have a desire to grow, then some are kinda time fillers I guess you could say. I really just like growing :rofl::rofl::rofl:


This is me, too. I have more stash than I know what to do with right now. And yet I keep starting new plants. :joy:

The variety is really nice, though, and one day I’m probably going to start dabbling in BHO or a rosin press, so exits on hand won’t hurt for all that trial and error.


In NM there’s no taxes for prescriptions so if you have a medical cannabis card you don’t pay the (I think it’s) 13% tax at the dispensary so my ol lady is keeping her card


Same here… :smiling_imp:


I think many of us fall into this category :rofl:


12% just for canna, and 7.5Ish% for GRT. The med card is worth it if you visit more than once a year.


Its 25% here in AZ. Card costs around 300.00 bucks
Have to spend more then 1200 dollars worth of products to begin saving money. Plus here in AZ to be a med patient you have to give up your guns. Its crazy. We are an open carry state FFS. My goal with growing is to not have to go back to the dispo. This last harvest was the closest I have gotten. About a month shy sadly. Gonna run out in the next week.


Thanks @Graysin yeah I knew it was up there… So with the card you save 20% ±


To renew the card here is $75 and I believe it is for 2 years now, the card is free it’s the dispensary that charges for the “doctor” to say you need it… these people ask you what you want to put on the application as your reason and list off the things you can use :laughing:


My wife said to because she just thought it was a good idea. There is a dispensary about 20 miles from us, but they also deliver. I’m not sure what the taxes are like or how they work. I can’t even access the dispensary product gallery without the prescription.


Dont be surprised when you buy some flower, and your homegrown is better.


I’m floored. Dr prescribed 1:1 5mg for day time medication and 10mg thc for bedtime :smiling_face_with_tear::smiling_face_with_tear::smiling_face_with_tear: This is kinda surreal. Ya, it’s only edible and tincture, THC flower still hasntmade it there yet, but I’m proud of my state. I’ve lost my license, have spent jail time, paid countless fines and fees, been evicted, lost several jobs, all because of the laws and how far they trickle down. Now, I’m calling a dispensary to have my edible cannabis prescription filled.


The entire year I had my card I bought one vape cart at the dispensary and that was for research :rofl:. I needed to know what was being sold to have something to compare mine to. I have no w exceeded what I bought.

Main reason I got my card was to cover me in case the VA asked me to pee in a cup. But now that my disability claim is final I won’t be going back there. I’d rather use my own doc who knows Mr Vet and I both use.

I think I paid around 350 for the card and renewal is 250 as the DOCs script is good for two years. Forget that!!! I have better ways of blowing cash


This may have something to do with it lol.


Happy to say I should never have another surprise pee cup presented to me!!!