First time Grower- I thought this was gonna be easy

I like the “hey feller’s” like Butters haha
From my understanding I think during flowering you want the temps to be around 75 to 78, ideally?.. And from humidity point of view I believe you want to do something like the first week of flowering started at 70% and then gradually work your way down so by the last couple of weeks you’re around 30% or lower. I’m sure some of the more experienced growers could tell you better than I. So wait to hear what they have to say.
Have a nice evening and enjoy your grow.


Well generally in flower the first signs of pistils you want less than 40% humidity. In veg humidity doesn’t really matter, besides if your dealing with pests. Also furthermore if your planning on putting them outside try to match how the seasons climate would be that way-

If your just going to go all out indoor. Your temps could be 70s to 80s in veg? Some people would flower in 60s-80s in flower for color and those particular weeks to stack buds :cowboy_hat_face: I think :thought_balloon:


@AmnesiaHaze i am going all in doors, any tips on the best way to lower humidity? besdies opening the vents, i know i cant do that durning the 12 hours of darkness, fear of light penetrating through.

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I use a dehumidifier. Kind of a small one but I bought a long hose for it to drain into the drain on my basement floor. Thanks

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Well opening the vents will lower temp a few degrees. What is your intake and exhaust setup like? Do you need to worry about smell? In flower those girls will be very smelly. A carbon filter inside the tent going through there exhaust is best and routed to an attic or other spare room is best that would contain your smell and also aid in exhausting the warmer humid air you are talking about.

If you could, I would suggest you route your intake to a lower humid place with also the plus side of it getting fresh air from that said other space, and then use it to your advantage to furthermore dehumidify your space. If you are still haven’t problems in your grow room, then a dehumidifier is probably suggested @Swiss that’s my best educated guess to your situation. Any information on your setup would be great as well as temperature and humidity.


32X32X63 grow room with a charcoal filter/inline fan hooked up above the light with an additional fan at the base of the tent, i am using a 150w hps light for (4) plants.

I’ll just add the dehumidifier if needed and just wing it for now. Really want to know what is ideal temperature daring flowering.


Okay great thank you. Do you have a temperature reading outside your tent in the room/and is your room/attic/basement open? Like the air around the tent, because if your in a confined space, you can run into humidity issues even though you have sub level temperatures.

ALSO for a minimum have the exhaust fan routed out the top or straight out the side with flexible duct and run it OUT of your room. It will do so much good for you.

As for the temperature nothing in nature is stable or perfect but if you could regulate it to wha you want-then pick yourself a temperature and run with it from start to finish and if you think it could of been warmer you tell me. Lol

Like I said ideal temp for flowering is not going to stay the same. If you want to bring out colors maybe reduce the temperature 10 degrees over night, and see what happens :wink:

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@AmnesiaHaze thanks, i have the tent in a spare room and cool wife so she knows what i am doing, i don’t have to hide it from her but like to hide it from anyone else coming over. i can control the exterior temperature since it’s in a room. so whatever i need to put my ac on i can adjust. i have miniature temp gauges inside the tent. i have not begin to flower, that will start tomorrow morning. This is all for preparation.


cool sounds like your getting the picture now :+1::wink:
Happy growing :tomato: :hot_pepper: :seedling:<-this one really does look like the second pair of leaves doe @Hogmaster @Donaldj @Countryboyjvd1971

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Hey fellers, I am 5 days into flowering and the girls are looking good, i’m still waiting to confirm their females i haven’t seen the (two white hairs) but i’m not seeing balls either so i am feeling good, or just praying to Groot God’s their all females. I took this picture for anyone who wants to see how they look. Thanks everyone for all the support. @Countryboyjvd1971 @AmnesiaHaze @blackthumbbetty @Oldstoner @FloridaSon @raustin @neckNflu @kabongster


Youll know fir sure in a few more days if your not seeing balls developing then your probably safe to say they are girls
Woohoo @Swiss



those helped me but make sure before you slash and burn


thanks @Oldstoner, the hairs appeared the other day and praise the Groot Gods their all female and thriving right now. Anytime i open my grow room i feel like something is gonna jump out and attack me.


@Oldstoner @Countryboyjvd1971 @AmnesiaHaze @blackthumbbetty @neckNflu @FloridaSon @raustin Hey guys, wanted to pick yalls brains, On Friday, i will be at 4 week into flowering, i know it can take roughly 8 weeks +/- until harvest, that being said at week 10 i will be leaving for 2 weeks, i will not be able to look after them, i have someone who i trust to keep it on the down low but not someone i trust to carry out the process… I will provide some current pics later when i get home… anyways with everyone experience with WW’s Females not auto, what is my best course of action, cut them regardless around 8-9 weeks and let them dry for a week and start the curing process or what? I trust this person for the curing cause that seems easy but the other stuff not at all and if i let them flower the whole time i will be back home on week number 12 which seems a little long, but i feel my plants are moving kind of slow. Like i said i will provide pics when i get home just wanted to get some experienced guys thoughts. Feel free to share.
Thanks in advance

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updated photos from today. Prob feed with a little flower power tomorrow. Like i said earlier on Friday they will be 4 weeks into flower. @Countryboyjvd1971 @FloridaSon @Oldstoner @AmnesiaHaze @blackthumbbetty @neckNflu @raustin


Wow, they really look beautiful. It’s a shame you have to leave them at such a critical time. I’m not sure I’d cut them down early, that could really ruin the whole harvest.


I would agree with @raustin your picutres look like you are still at early stages of flowering. I would keep them going through out your travels and when you come back then harvest you might time this just right.


Yep, both of them makes three with me.

Advertised flower times are general. You look as if you have enough time to let them go since they are photos.

You say that the cure should be easy and it is, but…

A bad cure can ruin a great harvest. Mold can develop and render the jar useless to you.

I would trust someone to watch them budding before letting them cure all my love and work…


Yep agreement all around I would consider a good feed and just let your buddy water while your out of town .