First grow using Worm Poo as medium

Too funny Budbrother I get it but it’s a process and she has some nice non seeded buds and should give me some decent smoke too. I had the space and the lights to remove it from general population.

Anyway here is an update as of tonight
Photo dump
First ones in front permanent Marker both are completely different from each other and the one on right has been a constant struggle. All the plants except the 20 and 45 gallon pots which were re amended were mixed the same using BAS 3.0 so all the 15 gallon photos and the 10 gallon autos had the same fresh mix.
Next are the Chocolope in the 45 gallon pots
Then the lemon cherry autos deep in flower should be chopped and hung within the next week.
And some new comer autos in the 5 gallon pots to help fill the empty slot created by the CBD I chopped this morning.

Here are some veggies outside the tent using soil from previous harvest no till. Sweet potatoes, hungarian peppers I think… and tomatoe a volunteer.


Up next is Amnesia haze and GG4
Amnesia Haze has been solid the GG4 until recently has been too. All of the strains are firsts for me.
Part of the reason are letting them go too long in veg before the flip based on the food I mixed into the soil wanting to do water only but that just part of the experience and process of learning and re learning.

Here is the Auto OGK that grew sacks that I was going to use as a Christmas tree but decided to let it run its cycle out.

Here is the CBD chopped this morning hung by the fireplace with care. El Solodiol

Here is a research project I started December 21st.
Am excited to move to the next stage of research!

Anyway just thought I’d do a quick update on things.

Everyone enjoy the day and keep feeding your endocannabinoid systems folks.


Very nice update. Looks like it’s time to break n shake that grain bag.


Thanks Bud
Looking at it again you may be right.
I just pulled it from dark to get a couple pics and didn’t really look at it.
The instructions said when grain is 50% covered and the pic shows about that.
Thanks for the heads up…my first time.
Also looking to put together a bin with grain etc to continue seeding with spores from what’s yet to grow.
Any insights would be much appreciated.

Hope your back has settled down for you
Enjoy the day


You can make a nutrient solution up and then make master jars to use at will. The instructions on my topic. Just search lions mane. I didn’t have a master so I did a grain collection and made a master up from this.


I see you’re still online, so hold up. Let me see if I can cut and paste.


MycoPsycho’s Liquid Mycelial Culture Broth

-Replicate spawn using culture broth

1/2 tsp malt (2.5 ml)
3/4 cup water

  1. Half-pint jar w/ lid & ring and also a spore syringe.
  2. Drill/punch a hole in the center of the lid large enough for the syringe. Cover with HH silicone.
  3. Mix 3/4 cup of water with 1/2 tsp. (2.5 ml) malt/Karo syrup
  4. Put lid & ring on and put aluminum foil over the top of that and then PC for 20 @15 psi.
  5. Once cool, setup your sterile environment (flow hood, glove box or even your oven will work) with an alcohol lamp, extra alcohol in a dish, paper towels/napkins, and spore syringe(s).
  6. Remove the foil from the jar, shake the needle and then sterilize the point with the alcohol lamp (get it red hot), cool the needle with a wipe & some alcohol and then inject 1-2 cc/mil spore solution into the jar.
  7. Once injected wipe the needle w/alcohol and put the guard back on it.
  8. Put the jars in your incubator set at 82-84°F for 10-15 days. You should notice growth by then.
  9. Sterilize empty syringes in your PC for 15-20 @15 psi.
  10. Suck up solution into empty syringe(s) for use on PF style jars or substrate bags.

Awesome thanks much


Naw. Look up mine that uses Karo and soy malt
Edit: LC jars (2x 300 ml jars):
Vented - used within a year
Non-vented - master jar

600 ml H2O (distilled)
24 ml Karo (4%)
1.5 g Soy Peptone
PC: 20 min/15 psi
Inoculation: 1-2 ml/300 ml jar
Incubation: 82-84°F for 10-15 days. You should notice growth by then.


I see now what’s up above. I’m baking :dash: The first one is to make your nutrient broth to collect your spores. I combined both steps Separately in mine.

The one with soy is for making a master jar to insert a couple milliliters of the nutrient broth collection and make 300 ml master LC. Buy spores once and then have it for life.


Cheap soy “malt” (aminos to us)


Thanks for the info on the DTE product.
So I’ve harvested some of my shrooms but looks like I have several different types and wanted to see what your thoughts are.
The spore syringe was labeled as Amazonian from MYYCO
Here are some pics of the fruits

I’m seeing a couple different looking shrooms.
Also when they say to harvest before base cap breaks away from stem is this what they mean…

Hopefully these are all functional mushrooms
Appreciate any thoughts you might have on this

Enjoy the day


Hell yeah! Congrats on your first flush :mushroom: and have a trip buddy.

Seeing different stages of development.

Yes, that is showing the veil tear. Before they start to give way, you will see those lines but they start as a bumpy ripple on the stalk. You wanna harvest before they open and dump their spores. Then drying reduces potency to 1% so you want all the spores inside. This pic showed ready looking ones.


The different stages and cross section