First Grow, Organic Nature's Living Soil, any advice!

Add molasses and any nutrient stuffs like worm castings, kelp, etc whatever you might add (with NLS you dont need anything other then it or F.G. Power and molasses) then PH then add microbes and fungi

Thank you. Yeah I didnt want a short tent and 2x2x6 is literally wall to wall at the top. Took me forever to sweeze it in. Actually had to rebuild it 3 times. First time thinking I could just put it in there, second didnt have ports in correct direction, and then finally got it right. I think I’ve found a second small tent i can add in the lower part of the closet. The problem is i can only go about 36in high. Found a 30x18x36, thinking about a drying tent. And I can connect it to this tent and use the T4 to oull the air out. Which should have enough cfm to cover both tents with ease.

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I think I lost you. Not following the

So I make my tea, then take PH reading, then add earth juice PH up or down.

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That’s a great use of space. If you love to grow you could have a whole room in your future.:laughing: :rofl: :joy:


:rofl: that’s what im afraid of! Lol I do love to grow everything! We just have a lot of visitors being close to the :parasol_on_ground:. So trying to keep it discreet as possible. I even have a T6 with carbon filter in my garge to vent it outside when I open the tent. So much air movement!


U must be in a no state or visitors are non indulgent friends or family. It is always skunk mating season. Oh…


@beachglass @PurpNGold74 @Docnraq
Would this be considered bleaching? She is praying and seems happy. Should I move the light up?
Also im not scheduled to water til tomorrow the cheap water meter shows prob first 2-3in dry but it is in the moist green section down lower in the pot. Was thinking of just misting the soil slightly to get til tomorrow’s watering.


First few leaves r wonky anyway. Be careful not to raise to high and make too leggy. Do you have the app photone installed. That helps a lot with dli


Yeah DLI 14.5 but that was on led. Just read somewhere to use sunlight setting.

Thank you so much. Just first time jitters like a new parent all over again. Lol


If she was too dry to make it till tomorrow youd know it by how she looked.


Thanks! Kind of what I was thinking but wasnt sure.

Thank you again!


You are most welcome. It is like being a parent. I bet I check my plants 20 or 30 times a day.


Haha it so much is so. Im literally trying to limit my self to 5-6. That’s not happening more like 10+


Praying hands are usually good. At least to me. Pushing them is the name of the game and praying hands means perfectly too much light. Good sign unless they go straight in the air.

And @Docnraq said it right. If she was too dry, she’d wilt. And seedling wilts are horrifying


Sweet! Sounds like im just helicoptering which I’m sure most do thier first grow.

Plus isn’t she getting most of her water from the air currently?


Absolutely! See trust the research. U got this broham


I appreciate it! Thanks again.

Still cant believe I got the AC infinity UVA lights! Just happened to be still buying pieces to the puzzle when they dropped. Was like what is this??? Lol


One helluva first light! I started about 3-4 years ago with 40w worth of led BULBS. :rofl: in a fish tank. No idea worth a damn. Man… this hobby is life changing. Time starts to scoot. Weed gets ‘free’. Good times lol


I should have started sooner but i can’t do anything halfway! It’s all or nothing! OCD pretty bad :face_with_peeking_eye: So i saved up to start with what I know I could satisfy my self with. But I just keep finding more growing stuff i never knew existed. :potted_plant:


Day 5 above dirt - I accidentally hit her stem last night when removing the soil meter and bent her a little. This morning she is favoring the bend a bit. Just really early LST?!?! LOL hopefully she will be okay. She gets water tonight.