What a tough month…such great entries. My vote goes to @WillyJ Those colors are amazing!
Vote for @Myfriendis410, very hard to pick between a few , but all outstanding , all give yourselves a pat on the back
@WillyJ gets my vote. You tapered your nutes off beautifully dude! Laurap had the prettiest colors though: it was REALLY tough this month!
My vote also goes to @Myfriendis410 for that crusty masterpiece.
My 23" cola in growth! P1010316|284x500
BTY (Better Than Yours)
Hello highcountrygal, the entries for Feb. ended and the only post that should be here now are for voting purposes only. Please try and delete your post and if you want to post pictures and talk about your buds please visit this thread as everyone loves bud porn. ILGM bud of the month chat room 2018
Dang it! I want to vote for everyone as ALL the entries are absolutely beautiful So I pulled the winning name out of my stash pot and … @Myfriendis410 it is
Thanks ntmaremach
Just voting here and as ntmaremach has mentioned highcountrygal no more entries allowed sorry but your welcome to enter her in next months contest
And we bo longer allow unnecessary chit chat here or tagging unless it’s voting time that is
I vote for @North_East_Newbie . They are so many worth the vote.
You might want to edit those after voting closes lol.
Tough decisions . I’m going with @North_East_Newbie . Hugh
I am going to have to go with @North_East_Newbie.
Sorry all. I had a concert promotion where we played for a passed friend and fire fighter. I have been so busy coordinating the event that I forgot about the deadline.
From now on we can just start voting after midnight on the 21st of each month, as stated in the rules.
Thanks all. See you in a couple when I wake up…LOL
Pretty hard to decide, they all look great.
I’m going to go with @Myfriendis410.
Lol i just wated ti make sure they saw them
I knew not to leave them in thanks for the heads up tho had already edited them when i saw your post lol
Very difficult decision. They all deserve a prize, but…
@AnneBonny for her foot-long Blueberry and nice, black manicure.
Splitting hairs, but my vote is for @North_East_Newbie