Should i prune my fan leaves now? Its day 28 in flowering. The strain is banana kush. The seeds came from seed supreme.
Your plant needs the leaves it has. In general, trim only as necessary to maintain good airflow within the plant’s canopy. Your plant has plenty of room for airflow.
You plant would benefit from more lighting intensity.
What @MidwestGuy said. Very clean airflow. Solid canopy. I would finish just as you are. What light. Just curious after Midwest mentioning it.
I have 2 led full spectrum lights. Combined lumens is almost 10,000 .
But unfortunately 3 days ago 1 of those lights blew and i have a 1000 lumen light in its place .
This is my first grow and i picked a very cantankerous strain. Banana Kush .
I just figured out how to respond to this , thank you and you have a good eye. 1 of my good lights blew out and i have a 1000 lumen light in its place. Question tho . If i have 2 lights at 5400 lumens can i combine the 2 lights to make the required 10,000 lumens ? Or does it work that way. This is my first grow if you haven’t already figured that out. Thanks for your feedback.
Your going about measuring your light intensity wrong. It’s good to know the lumens though but you need to go by the DLI or U\mols PPFD.
These might help. Do you have a meter? You can use the Photone app with a diffuser.
Yes i do have a meter. It guages the moisture, PH , lighting, and fertility in the soil.
The light has been in the middle the whole way through. Thats why i ask about cutting the fan leaves cause now the lighting says low, especially now that i lost a light.
My Ph is 6.5 , i water every 2 days and the fertility is a hair below ideal.
Plus i have 2 of the led grow lights underneath. The red and blue kind.
Can you post a picture of your meter? I’m leery of the ones that ‘do everything’. If it is a soil probe type it’s not really a good fit for growing cannabis.
What is the wattage (actual) of your lights?
Plants can’t use light that comes up from below.
You have good help here now. Follow @Myfriendis410 s suggestions. Your headed for issues if you don’t. They will teach you how to grow good cannabis here. I’ll chime in as much as possible but I am still learning myself. I’ve got 4 grows under my belt so far and ran into a lot of issues. You need good equipment to grow good cannabis. You don’t need the best or the most expensive but it helps. Just get the right stuff though. Those meters are junk. You need at least 150 watts(per plant)of full spectrum light to flower 1 plant.
Is this better light?
I reas article by max Sargent November 2023. I thought it could not hurt yo try.
Thanks for your help !
That meter is likely part of your problem. There are a couple of probe type meters that are okay but most (like this one) really don’t tell you anything.
Apera and Bluelab make PH and TDS meters that do a good job of monitoring your root zone.
PH meter requires calibration and storage solution to protect the wet bulb on the sensor.
I think of it as an eye ball that looks at the stuff in the water. Yes, I took acid a lot as a kid.
What is? I’m not sure I understand your question. sorry.
I got a new light but couldn’t up load the picture.
You have to take the picture first then upload it from here.