Hello everyone. Receieved 20 seeds of Grand Daddy Purple ILGM and I’ve managed to germinate all of them via the water in a cup method and sprouting via heat mat in a jiffy pod. But… Everytime I want to move it to the grow tent to get low light, they stop growing and or die. I’ve been transplanting the pod into a FFHF medium in a small pot. Have a MarsHydro TSL 2000 on the lowest amp to avoid burning them, and hung 24" above the canopy. Have a temperture controller that activates heat mat for warmth and a fan if hot set at 75 F, and my humidifier controller set at 65%. Have an inline fan pushing air through a carbon filter, and a small fan right above the canopy (as the last time i put a small breeze directly on plant to strenghten stem, they died and i assumed it was lack of humitdy due to fan constatly blowing at it. I just cant figure out why they all die if the variables are good? I avoid overwatering. I think I’ll skip the jiffy pod and put directly onto medium.
Get some fox farm happy frog soil, and solo cups. Moisten the soil, and fill the solo cup. Plant the seed directly into the soil (not very deep), spray a little water on it to settle the seed, and stick a baggie over the top to make a little greenhouse. Keep it warm, and it should break ground in about 3 or 4 days. Stick it under your light on low power, and don’t water until dry. Transplant once leaves are wider than than the cup.
Easy peasy!! That’s all I have ever done in the many many years I have grown. No reason to over complicate things. Mother nature does it best…seed, soil, water…boom!!
@WhiteWidowFeminized dex has you covered, no pun intended. This is prolly the most important factor once they have a tail. We have to give them a domed environment for the first 1-2 weeks. There is no root system and all they need , they will get from the humidity inside the dome. I shoot for 80% humidity/80ºF. Here is how my babies start for the seedling stage.
I have good success and I don’t use a dome. There is not a lot of humidity in my air. After pre germination using a method similar to the paper towel method I place the seed with a tiny taproot tail directly into potting soil. I prefer using small plastic pots in well drained potting mix. I use plastic because it better holds moisture. I pre germinate because I want to know for sure that I have a viable seed.
I use sifted recycled potting mix. I add some sifted perlite for good drainage and some worm castings.
I have them under good light from the time I see it about to break the surface. I turn the light on a day before I expect to see the sprout as a caution. I keep them well watered. Usually two squirts per day. With a good draining soil I don’t worry about too much water.
Once they break the surface I move them outside into sheltered direct sunlight during the day and then back under a grow light. UV light helps sterilize the soil and helps preventing damping off. It is important to have UV in the grow light too.
If I start seeds in cooler weather I provide some warmth. When placed outdoors the young ones have to be sheltered from the wind. They don’t go outside if it is cold and damp.
Will definitely try those methods. thanks guys. I’ll keep yall updated