Dud AutoFlower?

She gets watered every 3 days. I run 1 gallon of 6.5PH water through her and then the next 3 days she gets 3tsp of Tiger Bloom and PH balanced to 6.5. Then repeat.

Whats the update?

I posted about the transplant last night. scroll up a few posts and you should see it.

Definitely too much water and food. Wait until the pot feels very light before giving water. Another way that I determine water need is if you can feel a space between the side of the pot and the soil. Hope this helps with your issue. It’s sad to see your plant suffer and not be able to figure out how to help it. When feeding typically you want to feed every other watering. Be sure to check PPM going in and coming out and follow the nutrient PPM numbers for the product not so much what they recommend as amount of nutrients per feeding. Also keep your PH correct, incorrect PH will cause issues that are hard to nail down. I’ll keep watching.

The pot is light and soil in dry 2 inches down. Soil is pulled away from the sides of the pot when I water. When giving nutes she has been getting them every other watering. I always test PH prior to feeding with or without nutes.

I have already tested her PPM before and after watering with and without nutes and it looks good.

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Here is the PH and TDS I tested a couple weeks ago.

WITH Tiger Bloom Nutes:
Feed her with 2 tsp of Fox Farm Tiger Bloom and 1 tsp Cal-Mag mixed in 1 gallon of water.

Runoff PH is at 6.4-6.5 and TDS is 1645-1745

WITHOUT Nutes (just tap water balanced at 6.5 PH):
Run off PH - 6.45
TDS - 743

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