Lemon haze autoflower Nov. 9, these buds are super dense no tricomes yet, who says autoflower need more than 12/12 light cycle? 12 hours are plenty for this one.
Lilac diesel Nov. 9
Nov. 9 one month after light flip, still water every 3 days or so with bio bizz grow and bloom, recharge once a week in the water also, ph input 6.5, don’t really see many deficiencies so don’t really check ec’s in runoff or soil( would like info on proper ec since I have an ec pen not ppl, if anyone is interested in schooling me).
I feel like I’m getting impatient at this point. I must be running my weeks together thinking it’s harvest time but NO amber tricomes, when??? I ask myself everyday.
Since I do grow in fabric pots with coco-loco(basically soil). When soil gets hard and seems like water just runs off I do water with a dunk method by submerging pots into a larger bucket of water and sometimes nutes for 15 to 20 seconds then let everything run off till dripping stops, root seem to love it.
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