Does this look bad?

There are a lot of great cultivators in this forum. We all strive to make a better grow for people. We have no secrets here. Glad I could be of assistance to you!! :call_me_hand: :call_me_hand:


I am going to start my own grow thread here shortly. I will tag you in if you would like to follow along!! :call_me_hand: :call_me_hand:


This is a good start.

Get holes in the bottoms and sides of those buckets pronto, lots of little holes as far up as 1/3rd of the way up the sides.

They won’t need water for several days to a week, and when they do it won’t be much that they need.


@Graysin :100:% on the holes, and the cease water recommendation friend.

@Westemily598 - glad you’ve been able to cheer the littles up, a method I still use after growing for a while to determine if water time is here - weight, pick up the container right after a good watering, and compare it to a dry container. I typically see 5 or more days between waterings. For the next few weeks they’ll need very little. When you do water,only a couple oz around the outside of the container, make the roots look for the water and get established.
Get those drain holes in there asap.

@GreggT tag me in for your journal as well please


Thank you! So far the one is going strong. Think I lost the other one. But that’s ok. I knew there would be mistakes first time around. I definitely over watered big time. I o ow what happened. I probably had the right amount of watering in the first place because I was using a spray bottle and misting…. Then unfortunately I was an idiot and started using a watering can. Now I know seedlings don’t need that much water. I feel like a moron for doing that ugh! I did get an ac infinity kit as well. As soon as I have it up and running I’ll post here. Should I leave the plants in the buckets or transplant them back into something smaller? @GreggT

Negative on that one, Captain. I strongly discourage misting plants - if you mist it lightly once or twice a day, you can still over-water. The thing about watering that is really hard to get a handle on, is that watering too often is significantly more damning than watering too much just once.

Cannabis needs wet/dry cycles. Spritzing it like an orchid a few times a day is a good way to prevent it from ever drying out enough to help.

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Going strong!

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First 2 pictures, are now pictures, the smallest one is just yesterday!! The plant is responding well. I thought I would send an update.

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You need to put some more soil around your youngun. She will need it to stay unright. @Westemily598


She is looking good.

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Will do! I also have a new filtration system too. That will help a lot


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I have an update! I got the filtration system up with a new tent. I have a couple of questions, with the filtration system, do I still need the cups over the plants? And exactly what setting do I need the filtration on? Should I keep it on all the time? Thank you in advance! @GreggT @Graysin


I would keep the cups over the little ones. What are your watering practices? Should be misting the inside of the cups, not on the plants… No overwatering. You need to just put a small ring of water around the outside of the cup. Make the roots find the water.


Right now 2 x a week, just as you told me. Just a little bit of spray inside the cup. Not sure if the filtration settings as of yet. This part is very new to me


So, how you do the filter is going to be totally up to how your environment is. I run my filtration 24 seven. The way you know it’s enough, is the walls of your tent are sucking in just a little bit. They can suck in a lot, but that’s more negative pressure than you need probably. I just set my fan on a medium setting, and see what it does when all of the walls are zipped up, and the bottom intake vent is open. You may need it a little more powerful, or a little less powerful, again depends on the environment entirely. I would suggest having it run on a timer, or just always on sort of medium low. Keep an eye on your relative humidity, and your temperature. You can increase airflow to reduce relative humidity, and you could increase airflow to reduce temperature. That, of course, depends on the lung room, or the room where your tent is located. If the humidity is higher in your lung room, then the air you draw in is going to raise your humidity same thing with the temperature.


Well said friend.


That will work good