So i was smoking with a buddy and i have had this happen many time before. I just assumed it happened to most people. But after a few minutes of being done smoking i burmped. And a big puff of smoke came out. My friends jaw hit the floor and he said wtf was that. I said a weed burp. Said he had never seen anyone do that.
I decided to search it here to see if anyone had posted anything about. To my surprise nothing was found.
Surly i cant be the only person this happens to. Or am i ?
@TeNNWisKeY It’s not a common thing with the older fellas I have a puff with.
I have seen it a couple times lotta years ago.
We were young n crazy then at a party.
Fella was havin a beer and tokin right after a chug.
Let one out a few minutes later same as yourself. . We all had a pretty good chuckle.
I put int up to swallowing the smoke with the drink instead of inhaling it. A mix of both.
Haven’t really seen it in a bit.
Gotta take ur time young fella. .
Low and slow is the way to go.
Sounds like maybe you don’t use a CPAP machine for sleep apnea.
When the CPAP air pressure is too high, some air often ends up in the stomach, it did for me. Wake up belching, stomach aches, and … well, you can guess where the leftover comes out, lol.
Which crudely makes me wonder if bong air is swallowed, and not belched out, would it continue providing some sort of high as it travels through the body. Probably not, lol.
Have had a CPAP since 2021.
They say you can not die from lack of sleep but let me tell you it is not a good life.
I do not agree that you should need to go to a doctor for one of these. I should have been able to go to wal*mart and pick one up for 1/3 the cost.
Yeah, the CPAPs can be so expensive, and sleep deprivation/poor sleep stinks!
When I first started on one, it seemed like the health providers’ concerns were that patients not “blow their lungs out”, lol.
There’s a danger of having the pressure too high, but how silly does someone have to be for that to happen.
I learned online through a sleep apnea forum how to adjust the air pressure, downward for me.
The provider started my machine too high, so having control over it is so helpful.