Do I have time to flower

Hi fellow growers

I have f babies growing and 2 are not flowering good yet. All have been planted first week of April

The above is the one on question

The one below has some

Now these are looking the best

Here’s another


I can’t exactly tell from the pics but the top one looks like a male



Males don’t produce hairs like females do


I have to agree with @Gl1tch the top one does appear to be male. I hope he hasn’t dusted your ladies. :v: :slightly_smiling_face:


I would guess that’s why some of them aren’t flowering as well. They might have been pollinated

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Damn eagle eye not sure how you can see anything

It does and looks like it’s dumped more than half the pollen by the yellow sacks flowers up top

They open to flowers once dumped

I have a big ass computer monitor with great detail.


Bought seeds from a seed bank

Here is another picture

I purchased all my seeds from a seed bank that I have been using for years

I don’t understand why male as I buy my seeds from the same seed bank I been using for years

What do you think now

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Is that a tree in the background? It looks like pollen balls. I do see some of what looks like buds down low on the plant.
Those more recent pics just look like young buds. If that’s what your asking about then it’s probably just different plants doing their thing. It’s pretty normal for plants to develop at different rates, whether they share genetics or not.