@GreenJewels Thank you My Sister your kind words are appreciated and humbling. They mean more than you know.
We’re getting a Levo C
It holds an ounce of flower. Has anyone here bought one? I’m stoked I got at least a pound of larf and sugar leaves.

Very interesting. I will be following to see your thoughts.
Glad to have you along for the ride Brother
Here’s a Trim Bin full of goodness courtesy of @OGIncognito It’s some of the best smoke I’ve ever had. And it’s only dried not cured. So it may get deadly
Hell yeah, humbled and stoked for ya Darrell
Beautiful breeding work OG… beautiful growing D!!
Appreciate that Grow Bro, we need to figure out a way to connect if you’re interested in some of these beans
I didn’t know if you saw my posting last weekend?? I ran several test and these were the averages. To me it’s the terpenes in this cross that pack the punch but not to shabby on the THC %
I’d be delighted to run some. I don’t know if you’re on Instagram. I only have one to connect with people from here. If you’ve got @Borderryan22 contact he knows how to reach me. I don’t think any others…
You’re also welcome to some of my Kanaka if you’re interested.
Right on, I don’t use IG anymore but will connect with Ryan on another forum we both share. I’ll get you some regs and fems. I would be honored to run some of the Kanaka
I look forward to contact my friend
I got 11 ozs of good bud off the Kona Red # 2 didn’t weigh the larf and 6 ounces of good bud off Kona Red #1 Very happy and grateful
Nice haul there!
You need some help smoking some of that?
Nice job.
Thank you Brother.
I can always use some help. I only smoke when I’m alone or with somebody.
Hahaha, me too
Its orange kush cake alone tonight
Sup guys, my bad. Wife been outta town and I think I might be going crazy just a little. I’ll start checking forums and inboxes. What am I doing again?? Lol @Underthestairs @OGIncognito
It sux smokin alone so I’m gonna burn in your honor. I’m smoking my excellent mistake. (Oxican x GSC) X Sheelavathi
Good to see you Brother I hope you’re enjoying your alone time. It can be priceless.
Ollady loving the Kona Red