Distilled water question

Man I feel like I’m over watering or something. Lol. I have 12 plants and I go thru 20 to 25 gallons a day and some plants I’ll get like a quarter cup of runoff some I get 10 to 30% of what I water lol. Like the back further plants in my room seem to drink alot more than the rest coming towards my door. Maybe I need to switch them all around and put the inners out and outers in. Lol. I just switch them from spot to spot daily moving and turning them not switching sides of room where I guess I can see the inside being alot more ppfd than the outer edge. Inside has the whole scorp diablo and outer edge is the 260xl can def see a huge diff in board colors and brightness of the 2 next to each other it’s crazy. The diablo appears to be more white and the 260 is a yellow color more.

That’s both lights on 100% crazy difference.


From the research I have done, if it’s below 80ppm or 0.2 EC I consider it pH neutral. It doesn’t have enough of anything to measure the pH accurately

The only water I’ve seen like this is distilled/RO filtered/rain water

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This is getting into the range where EC is undetectable. Pure H20 does not conduct electricity very well.


@Mark0427 thats some juice there! That diablo is crazy. Nice setup

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Thanks. I love it myself. Lol anything hlg lights look bad ass and work great so far. hLG for the big win.

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Yup! My other lights showed up yesterday. Very happy so far.


Nice. U’ll be happy with them.

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