CygnusX1 Grows Cherry Ice Cream

Ok so, first wrinkle in the plans already… If you’re following Hell’s thread you know he just spotted to hermied plants (of the 4 growing from seed) which are certainly not great odds and I think we’d all agree its highly unlikely that he / his environment has caused any stress to the plants.

So, decision time. Do I pop these anyway and see what happens (keeping a really close eye on them) or set them aside and grow a different strain.

At the moment, I’m inclined to give them a run anyway and given I was planning 2 of the same and no other plants are nearby anyway… The risks are “relatively” low.

Possibly also check out this spray that he linked in his thread to combat any potential issues.

This was going to be the first grow where I tried to make “better” decisions out of the gate so certainly wouldn’t be the first time I tried something challenging…

Open to thoughts / opinions and to be 10000% clear up front, he posted and tagged me and others as soon as he noticed so all the blame is on me if I have problems. :sunglasses:

If not the Cherry Ice Cream, I’d run the Cherry Cotton Candy from Pure Breeding (intended to grow next run anyway).

Dropping seeds one way or another this evening, any thoughts?


Tough choice…knowing there may be an issue with a high probability of hermies and not knowing if the foliar spray works. I’m already in soil and have been for two weeks, and on a time crunch to beat a late march deadline…I’m rolling with it…spray bottle in hand. lol I don’t know what I’d do if I hadn’t dropped them…I’d probably wait to see others experience. Unless you have a spare tent to use…

That help? haha


Yeah, I’d certainly keep going if they were ready in soil as well. Given I was planning on dropping them today, and he just found the male parts today, one may think thats a bit of a sign from the universe to go another path. But, such things have never stopped me before… :crazy_face:


Results within 2 days of sample receipt from Freeman here. I can’t say enough good things about it. I bought 3 tests for my 3 reg seeds I dropped about a month ago. Only had to send in 2 because one seed never popped. Didn’t get any grief about it (some testing services I’ve seen require 6-8 samples and you have to send it back full - I may never have 8 reg seeds running at once so boo). I still have the one test and will absolutely use it when I drop another reg seed. Knowing at 3 weeks vs 6 weeks is such a time saver.

Plus how cool is this:

Included plant tags so you can ditch the dudes when you get the emailed results.


Heck to the yes!! Exciting brother - thank you much for the tag!

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If you’re looking for advice, my opinion is not to drop them yet. Let Mad be the Guinea pig with the “ice cubes to the nads” spray (assuming he stays the course). If the spray doesn’t work you haven’t wasted time and space. If it does we all get a confirmation run when you do drop them.


There’s that crazy “logic” again…. That would probably be the smarter decision but I’m still on the fence for some reason.

Just filled a glass with RO so I’ll drop one or the other in shortly.

May flip a coin.

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yikes…this is gonna hurt

edited to add: it’s going to be a while before I have to use the spray…not even close to flipping yet.


Man, tough call. I’ve been lusting over those seeds since the beginning. I’d have to roll with them… thanks for the tag!


Here 4 the ride sir.


Screw it, let’s do this in the name of science.

Seeds are soaking and I’m going to order up some of that foliar spray.

Go science!




@Nicky forgot to tag you in.

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What is this spray everyone keeps mentioning?
I haven’t ventured into Hellraisers seed making thread yet.
I can barely keep up with the ones I try to keep up with now without getting into that War And Peace sized tome! LOL!
Let me master cloning first! LOL!


Two topics. One would be colloidal silver and similar to force a plant to throw nanners so you can pollinate a pure female plant to make feminized seeds.

The spray I linked above is kind of the opposite and intended to keep a female who may be prone to go hermie from doing so.

Since hellraiser has had two of his 4 plants from these seeds herm, I’ll try that stuff out as a preventative measure.


Ahhaaa…Who knew there was such a thing?
I guess you guys! LOL!

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I haven’t seen anyone here say they’ve tried it, though, including Hell.

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@Hellraiser did it with the ice cream strain he got if I ain’t mistaken and @kaptain3d is currently doing it n looking 4 nuts

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I’m trying STS to reverse a couple of females.
Nothing yet… but @repins12 uses it successfully…
@AfgVet is using colloidal silver if I’m not mistaken :thinking:


You’re going the other direction - making nanners on purpose. The spray under discussion goes the other way - prevents nanners on a hermie-prone plant.

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