I wanted to check with fellow growers on curing tips.
Any sort of schedule to follow from week 1 till 4-6 weeks onward. ?
Yup put into grove bag adjust humidity to 58 -62% then forget about it for 3 months( or whenever). Back when i did jars it was twice daily burps 1st week ,once daily for 3 weeks, once weekly for 1 month, once monthly forever( you can see why i switched)
exactly like he said, you won’t be sorry. Grove bags rule.
A picture is worth…
After a couple of weeks I put the grove bags in a 5 gallon bucket to let everyone get acquainted. After a couple more weeks I tossed in a few 67g humidity packs and sealed the bucket.
I have researched grove bags and will be following that curing technique for this harvest i am working on. I was wondering what size are the bags in your picture above. Are those the 1/4 lb bags ? Also do you heat seal bags? I see you put the bags in a 5 gallon bucket, is it okay also to put the grove bags in a dry tent with ac infinity system. Thanks.
Definitely throw in a Grove bag and forget about it