Cookies/cream autos-newbie

Those will probably work, but you want at least two points. Most meters use 1413 uS and 12.88 mS for EC and 7 and 4 for PH and KCl for storage solution. Maybe @Lostgirl can confirm that this one does too before you buy.

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Your package should come with 3 packages of pH calibration.

They definitely will not come with EC calibration.

These pens are great. I’ve never had to calibrate the EC ever. I test it from time to time by simply putting it in the RO water or distilled water if it reads zero I know it’s calibrated.

That would only be a small part of the picture. The electrodes will oxidize over time this increases resistance and reduces the meters ability to accurately measure conductivity between the electrodes. In this case 0 is a lack of conductivity. It would also read 0 if the electrodes where too oxidized to pass a charge. Even in highly conductive solution. That is why you would need at least 2 points and neither can be zero. there has to be a differential to measure. I couldn’t give you an educated opinion on PH calibration as I’m a little fuzzy on how they actually work. even if a meter doesn’t have a calibration mode you can still test it’s accuracy by testing two different calibration solutions and comparing your results. There are a lot of factors that will determine how long the meter will remain accurate so I find it’s best to check every few months. I also go for liquid over the packets because you have to have a perfect water source for packets and I’m trying to calibrate the tool I use to test water quality. Sorry for the rant but just my 2 cents on the subject.

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So search out a liquid calibration solution for both ph and ec basically? When you say it needs 2 points does that mean it should literally read 2 when calibrated? I have to do some research on this so im not as lost in this conversation. While I have come across I havent read into EC specifically.

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I think I just got it. 2 points like the ranges.

The one I found only had the one 1413. But I should look for both instead.


yup it needs a high and a low to ensure accuracy. Most of that is theory you don’t necessarily need to know. I’m just a nerd and don’t know when to shut up. Apera sells a pack with an 8oz bottle of each for EC and PH and a bottle of KCl storage solution for less than $50 on amazon. You probably won’t use it all before it expires in a year, but that’s about the best price I have found if you need the whole kit. it will be the PH/Cond. combo 1 under the options. Not the PH kit in the picture.

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Ok got it! Some how this will arrive before the pen lol. This seems a lot easier than stiring that powder for 5mins before it dissolves.

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Just make sure you store them somewhere dark and cool. Light and evaporation can degrade them before the the expiration date and throw off their values. I’m sure the packs work for some people, but I always have problems with them.

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I will keep it in the basement since it’s always cool down there. I was thinking about moving the tent upstairs, but for that reason I think I just have to do a better setup. The coolness of the basement I think helps it not get too hot. I might have to run more fans if I bring it up. Rt now I run one and thats been cool, if it gets too humid in there i just leave the door open some.

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heat is the enemy and can be expensive to compensate for. I would keep your tent wherever you can keep it in the sweet spot the easiest.

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Ive had some changes happening some good and some not so. @Lostgirl @Gl1tch I still havent gotten my new meter, looks like it wont be here till the 5th. Then in mean time my ph meter went out on me. Tried to use it one day and it just wouldn’t come on. I have been using the dye drops and still testing the ph before each watering. I have some pics im going to add but have to get a couple more recent ones. However so the one I thought was going out on me has done a 360 and has started tossing out some white hairs! Its looking better actually and getting taller. Its a little over 3ft. I just noticed yesterday how the top portion just looks so much nicer and green. I have to get a full body shot to show you guys. On the flip side my shorty has took a turn and started changing colors completely smh. At this stage theres no real smell from it. The fan leafs have more of a “weed” sent than the buds. So now my thought of its cool is now I might have some weak buds here. From what I have read I guess theres still time so idk. Now for the pics

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In the second pic, the color of those leafs is now how the whole thing looks. I have since then opened the top of my tent, now I have way more air. I did a couple waters just water and then followed up the next one with nutes at half strength. I know you said it didnt mean much without testing the ec but figured I would do it anyway. May have been what got my one to perk up. But could have also done opposite for the other :joy:. Like you said its just guessing game rt now. Since I see the feeding every other watering seems to be good for the one I’m going to continue that pattern there. Idk if I proceed with that on shorty or not. Im not expecting a answer there.

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For me personally, I can’t advise anything not knowing the pH or EC/PPM of the runoff. :hot_face: Sorry

Bummer about your meters. Without knowing the numbers we can only guess at what is lacking. The why requires more info. Are you deficient because you have under fed or because you over fed and now there is a lockout issue? Even feeding half strength nutes all its life you can easily overfeed if your sticking to a schedule. Some weeks the plant will eat a lot and others it won’t be as hungry. Each plant will be different. If you don’t adjust your feed accordingly you end up with over/under fed plants.

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What happened with Amazon? This was a two-day ship?

Rt. I just wanted to touch base with yall more so. I know theres not much to be told/suggested other than what yall said previously at this point. Just shooting in the dark. @Lostgirl no not sure where its coming from but it wasnt a option to expedite. This is the second time I have ordered from them and it took about 2 weeks to get to me. Usually its within a week or couple days. I was hoping it arrived earlier in that time frame window they gave me but doesn’t look like it.

I’ve been having problems with amazon too lately. I’ve been waiting on a temp and RH logger for almost a month now.

They are losing their touch. Quick shipping is what makes them more attractive. But it is what it is ya know.

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@ShureGreen there’s not much happening here lately. Follow along and please add any info as things roll on.

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I usually use it for anything I can’t get on my side of the mountain. Regardless of how long shipping takes, it’s better than wasting an entire day, and a half tank of gas to go to the nearest real city.