Continuous feeding and flushing. What’s the deal?

Pushing week 8 on the girls and they’re getting close. But I’m not clear on if I should flush, or in this case run ph balance RO water through the system prior to chop, as I’m continuous feeding through autopots. And if so, for how long should I flush before chop?

Autopots xl 5 gal pots with coco/perlite (70/30).
Jacks, Ep S, silica, hydroguard, cal/mag
800ish ppm


RO water won’t hold a pH so you don’t have to worry about that if you’re going to flush. Flushing is a contentious topic. Some do, some don’t. I haven’t noticed a difference in my grows, and I often can’t because my plants don’t harvest at the same time, but they do feed off the same reservoir.


I run Autopots with Jack’s and simply run straight water for a couple of weeks before harvest.

Seeing signs of N tox: you could start your water only program now. Cal mag is not necessary with Jack’s.


Thanks for the feedback. I took my PPM up close to 900 and the burn came on quick. so backed it back down to 800 which seems to be about max from what I’m seeing. I’ll stop the nutes as you mention. It’s been a really fun grow. Since you use Jacks, how do you handle the moisture uptake of the mix? It turns into a mush… can you turn it into a liquid concentrate in a 5gal bucket?

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Good to know. I haven’t flushed for more than a couple days previously with one foot in and the other out on this topic. I’ve never heard anyone say they can definitively notice a difference.


Nice buds!

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I’ve had a grow when I didn’t flush and couldn’t tell any difference but I had it tested for THC % and they knew by the analysis of the bud that I didn’t flush. So difference or not I’m leaning toward maybe it’s better if you do. Sure is a debated topic. Nice grow congratulations


My method as well and has worked great for the last 4 years @Coaxer


I’ve heard a couple on the forum say they notice a difference. Some have good success on blind taste tests if I recall correctly.

I think my palette is less discerning. :rofl:


Great info. I’d say they’re within a week. Just running RO now based on the feedback. @Myfriendis410 @Underthestairs @4204life @OGIncognito @John7.

With them being constant feed with coco/p, is it safe to assume they’ll yellow quickly?


Normal for leaves to yellow at harvest. Nice grow congratulations


Hellraiser did experiments with feed stop n coco. I remember he was surprised at one point by how much longer it took then he assumed it would. I can’t recall how long


Good to know. :+1:

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