Considering an autopot/coco set up

Coco loco is kind of like soil with coco added, it is not anything like straight coco or coco with perlite that everyone else sells. Not sure it will accomplish what you want.

I just keep adding to what is left, but I use “clean” nutrients that don’t create sludge or clog the lines. AutoPot suggests under those conditions to clean out the reservoir every filling and discarding leftovers.

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Ok im using the aqua canna line up for nutrients

Any suggestions on a good out of the bag washed coco coir

I would go to my local grow store and choose from what they have in stock. Coco is mostly the same except for being buffered or not, and having perlite or not.

Pre Buffered coco save steps and mess of soaking your coco in cal-mag before using it.

Having perlite mixed in ahead of time saves another step in preparation.

I’ve been using biobizz coco and large chunk perlite with hydroton clay balls with no issues. I didn’t do anything with the clay balls except rinse them really good. I’ve had no PH issues that that were any worse than growing in soil. PH is sticking at around 6.0-6.2. If it drifts I just adjust it at the reservoir. I also always get a PH reading right before watering/feeding so I can adjust for the difference.
Here’s two Atlas seeds Grease Gun at little over 6 weeks really enjoying the buffet.


@beardless @NeoGroR Did you by any chance purchase the octopots or did you just go with autopots? I was thinking about getting the octopots,just wanted to see what you thought about them if you did. :call_me_hand:t2::joy:

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I ended up going with Blumat watering system. Which I still have not hooked up.

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@registereduser yiu got any final pics of atlas seed flowers? Thinking of purchasing some

Yeah, here’s a couple. I’ve done a couple strains and Atlas has been awesome even with crappy environmental conditions.

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Beautiful brother :raised_hands:t2::raised_hands:t2: they have quite a few I got my eyes on, they offered to sponsor me some to grow and promote on GD but I haven’t heard back since they asked what strains i wanted, so I’ll probably just purchase them anyway :rofl:

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One of the guys from Atlas is on reddit. Just look for r/AtlasSeed. He responds to my posts so you may want to DM him about it. His handle is u/JakefromAtlasSeed.

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Ahhh awesome thanks brother :pray:t2::pray:t2:

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