Oh ok, I was confused
How would I measure start fertilizer with a cup spray bottle not using liters ???
Easiest way is to convert all to ml and measure it like that.
They look a little stretchy to me, how far and what kind of light are you using again?
I thought the same it’s a 24wtt light and it’s sitting on top of the dome
You could use something in the plug to kind of help support them, possibly
Like what ?
I’ve used tooth picks before, BBQ skewers, anything that is roughly small ish that you can carefully secure in in the plug to be able to use like a twist tie to secure it till the stem can grow thicker to support it weight. I’m sure @Countryboyjvd1971, @Hogmaster have all used somethin to this affect over the grows, possibly
Oh ok you mean like a twist tie to support the stem… @Hawkeye_diesel I’ll give it few more days to make a decision I’m a beginner and I don’t wanna break anything I’ll keep you posted it’s way to early to be tieing this baby down to anything.
Oh ok know I was just giving you ideas incase her started to lean. You got this under control haha
The middle one dose look kind of on the lean I might take that advice much needed.
How old is it ? Is that a tie down ?
Sorry @TCola yes that was a tie down
Do you tie it to the plant ? How ?
I actually used a bread tie around it to straighten it out how are yours looking now do you have a massive stretch if so I will get them in a bigger pot and add dirt up the stem it will give it a better root system
Sorry I lost my smokes