My SCROG ends up looking more like a spreader after threading stuff UP through the bottom. Canopy is a few inches below screen. Here’s a current shot:
22 X 36
My SCROG ends up looking more like a spreader after threading stuff UP through the bottom. Canopy is a few inches below screen. Here’s a current shot:
22 X 36
Gorgeous. That’s what I’m shooting for
Very nice, I like the uniformity.
In depends on what YOU want.
If you want long colas then fill the entire screen and flip to flower.
If you want shorter colas them fill to about 70% of the screen, flip to flower, and continue too train the plant under the screen until it reaches the wall then let the plant grow vertically the rest of the stretch.
If you want hard golf type Nugs but no colas, then fill the net to about 55%, flip to flower and train the entire stretch back under the net.
This is just a basic guideline I follow, what strain and whether it’s indica or sativa might alter how much of the screen you need to fill.
If you want 12" colas then you’ll probably want to fill 80-90% of the screen, flip to flower, continue too train the plant into the remaining 10-20% of the net, then allow the rest of the stretch to grow vertically
Can I fill the whole screen or should I leave some room for air flow. Also what’s the tallest you recommend to get nice dense nugs from a 315w cmh in a 20"x36"
I’ve never flowered with a metal halide so I’m not sure.
I can tell you the last method where I mentioned the “golf ball Nugs” and you fill the screen with about 55% them flip to flower will normally yield almost all primo buds in flower with little to no larf as long as: the canopy is flat and thin with a good lollypop.
As far as bringing 12" colas to flower with a ceramic metal halide would probably be better answered by @dbrn32
Would probably depend on number of coals. If you had 4" squares on your screen and did one cola per square, I think you would do pretty good if you kept canopy clean. Would probably need to keep it clear for airflow too. If you stack colas on top of each other bottom half or so would probably be a little airy.
I did 4 incher with 3 plants on 2 3x4tables I hope they ripen equally which I’ve never grown the little plant before lol 2 end ones are pretty similar flower time and I’ll just cut em out of it if there ready 24 sq feet 3x 5 gallon pots in 50 50 ffof and ff strawberry feild a flowering dirt pretty good all around dirt
I’m going for 1 cola per square I’m about 80 % full I’m gonna flip this weekend for sure I just tucked and lightly defoled a lil last night 3/4 strength fed and things look good but 80 % 85 % I plan on flipping and they will strech to about 90 95% be nice and full sideways getting good light @Grandaddy013 scrog was loaded with buds just below and above like a christmas tree farm his were 4x4 how big were ur hole bud I’m still pulling clones off the bottom but I will he cleaning all that up soon probably saturday and flip Tuesday… this my first scrog btwNet was 48x48 with 4" squares. I was going to say you needed to give them bitches a bikini wax
You gonna trim all the growth under the net?
Oh yea all will be gone by flower time but those are my clone donors at the moment so I’m not in a hurry to deal with the bottom they have been keeping up with the cloning needs as the top fills up thick. So I get to pick and choose what stays and goes but bottom will get waxed when I flower them I also will have a select few mother replacements. Got tons of clones of the big 3… 25 successfully already I will take clone for monster crops as well cuz the nets are taking up a lot of space at the moment so the 9 or so weeks it takes to finish them I got about 50 sq feet to fill up and since I got a new veg room I’m gonna use the whole 9.5x9.5 instead of the 2 x 9.5 i closed off which was gonna he the veggie space… now I’m trying to figure a way to maximize my pitched platform for the veg room which us also 9x 9.5 but the door swings into that room… trying to come up with a door way black out solution that dosent need to be on the hinges like maybe put up some black out canvas with a zipper door
Damn brother, you’re growing pounds. You growing frlor friends and family or dispensary
I’m growing with a partner 50 50 I started growing to supplement my habit but I have found that I love it I know I can make much bucks a year so 2 birds with 1 stone and the legality will be here soon so when it is I’ll be in full swing and hope fully be dispensary par but I have definitely grew better buds then I had got a dispenserie and they keep getting better I just about to order about 200 bucks worth if good genetics for mothers cuz I want my perpetual to be 100 in all fields from the start got the lights the nutes the mistakes the space and the Gene’s really only sure thing that’s missing so I wanna get about 6 different strain on back burner that stay in veg all there life so all clones will be first gen but not to worried about 2nd generation cloning some of the best weed I grew was 3rd and 4th generation clones but yea I plan to profit a bit my out come I’m looking for atleast 25 oz a week but 6ea friends and family always come first but gotta make some bread
That’s awesome @fano_man I wish i had the space to run perpetual harvest but I’m limited to my 2x3. I can’t complain though, I grow enough to get me from harvest to harvest. I got rid of about 6oz this time for $200 a piece but I normally keep it for myself. I did that cause I was in a pickle. You have family that needs the “medical” part of weed? It just enjoy?
Shoot, if you lollypop really well like @HornHead mentioned then they will ripen equally throughout
I under stand that I mean the fact that its 3 different strains and 2 are bag seed and 1 I have never grown before all in same nets defoling will have nothing to do with flower time but yea there gonna be butt naked under the nets
Family likes it I guess u can say we need it but not medically… more for sanity you know
Here she is today. The yellowing is clearing up. Well, not getting worse. Today’s feed was 1.5 gallon of plain ph water with a runoff of 6.1ish with a tds off mid 500. Then fed 9ml of micro, 8ml calmag, 3ml fish shit, 14ml bloom and 3ml ginormous with a ph of 5.6ish and tds 920. Runoff was 700s and ph 5.92. I’d like to flip soon but gonna wait until the calmag kicks in more
Looking good, just wondering if those slits in the grate are going to be large enough. Can’t really tell how far apart they are.