Hope the heat isn’t killing you: it was 103 Friday and this town doesn’t need a/c so pretty rough. We do have a floor unit in the bedroom, but power was out 6 hours yesterday due to lightning set fires and power line strikes. It was gnarly.
I had a harvest a couple of weeks after those really bad fires around Santa Barbara which dropped ash in our yard: did a bud wash and the water was DISGUSTING. Might want to hose em down too…
Train wreck tall one, Cali OG Haze shorter one, they suffered some major water deprivation stress the past week, however, they should just pull through.
og haze got some nice depth of green in the leaves and colas.
Train wreck stretched a bit it would seem and a lighter colour green.
Question how do you apply your Epsom salt and your deep watering.
Guess when vistors come we dont go round the back of the shed.
Cheers for sharing