Bruce Banner fans

Auto - Still learning, was 1st time I put outside, as inside stayed small 2 ft. (probably need better lighting) → It looks like it may have reached height as top is filling out with buds more than growing taller. Will get a pic. to post tomorrow raining today. Only have ones from 3-4 weeks now.


12 months, way too long. Glad to see you found your way back.

Growing my first BB auto now. 2wks old

Ive had pretty good luck with Bruce…This years 2nd batch has a very good smell to it not the biggest plant (its BB auto so) But it has a great smell and dense buds!

This pic is a few weeks old she has grown and looks better…will post updated pic soon…


My first Banner, Zeba, very pleasant smell, different than all in smell.

Early sample shows nice potential.


Just harvested a Banner, to me it has a very unique smell and taste. Almost like there are two distinct flavors/odors, quite lovely. When dry herb vaping this really stands out to me. I get the same vibe from GSCE.

They are currently at the top of my list. :slight_smile:


I concur, it was different than what we have grown to date. Very pleasing.

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I grew the auto version and wasn’t too impressed with the taste profile. Trying again to see if the results differ. I’m not a sativa guy like that also


I agree it does have a unique smell @Bluntsmoke yeah I grew the Auto version two a few times different phenos one was super purple this season it was lime green…Funny thing is I haven’t sampled it yet… :crazy_face: I cure for months and I guess I forgot about it…Will do a smoke report back on this thread…