Bringing outdoor plants inside to save them from rot? well, I'm trying it

will do. it ended up being after lights off when I set them all up by flashlight… we’ll see in a half hour what kind of job I did… I’ll grab a pic also

Here are some pics - the plants should definitely notice the red. Both seem to have stabilized a bit over the last couple days, the trichomes are getting to be mostly cloudy, no amber yet
I think the little shelf idea is going to work really well – I just forgot to pick up the saucers to slide underneath – will do that this evening. will also spend a little time cleaning up some of the crunchy dead stuff…

I also went ahead and ordered a grow tent – the 4x4 acinfinity pro was discounted on amazon, so I just closed my eyes, waited until my wife was not looking, and clicked the ‘buy’ button…


ok, I finally was able to water with pH6.5 water, and collect and measure runoff. please note, this is a new meter, and I did a two point calibration for pH. I have not yet calibrated for TDS / PPM, but I confirmed zero PPM measured in distilled water and 110ppm in my tap water, so it seems at least somewhat sane…

plant #1 (the tall one, Acapulco gold) pH in: 6.5 / pH out: 4.99!! / TDS: 1580PPM
plant #2 (the short one, afghan kush) ** after seeing the very low ph coming out of plant 1, I did not put anything in the tap water to lower the pH ** pH in: 7.5 / pH out: 5.14 / TDS: 1800

I’m gathering that they likely have plenty of nutes – it’s been over a week since I’ve fed jacks bloom, and I had been using that almost weekly, once per week while outdoors

no clue whatsoever how my pH is so low – I’m using fox farms ocean forest, and have not added anything but tap water and the jacks bloom stuff since flowering started…

these are in very late flower stage, maybe a week or so left, but curious to hear ideas of where I may have gone wrong or what may be worthwhile to do…

@Underthestairs what are your thoughts on the numbers above? should I do a flush, or water with some higher pH, or is this reasonable given it’s organic type soil?

@MeEasy @HippieRunner1 are a couple of knowledgeable fellas regarding organics.

But, in measuring runoff for PPM you should water with distilled to get an idea of what’s in the soil without adding things that will skew to the numbers.

You absolutely want to water in with a higher pH to get your output in the right range. :metal:

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I appreciate the advice – and as we’re considering next steps, I just took a peek at the trichomes…I think its about ready… thoughts?

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Thanks for the tag @Underthestairs but I won’t be any help with soil ph and tds because I don’t check it. I literally only check my water like once or twice a year just to make sure nothing has gone horribly wrong with the city water

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Thanks for stopping in bud. @n0ob the trichomes on leaves will be inaccurate. Scope the buds top and middle to see where your girl is at

that was a small straggly bud from about the middle of the plant each pic from a different angle / part – I did my best to avoid leaves

Grab a couple more and put up some zoom outs of buds and the whole plant :metal:

Just gathered these after lights came on for the day… here are the closeups:

this is the bud that the above pics were from, I cut the tip off – almost dropped it, which might explain so many broken trichs – pretty sure most are stuck to my fingers…

and here’s the whole plant:

You’ll have to turn the red lights off for photos. We need accurate pictures of color

thats easier said than done – but I’ll somehow block the red and use a bright flashlight for a glamour shot in a bit…

Here’s a quick attempt — blocked the red with a legal pad and held a flashlight on it –

Thanx for the tag. I also won’t be of any help. I haven’t checked my ph or run off in over 8 years. Also I have only noticed a few minor burn spots. I owe this to over doing it on the humid acid one year.

With organic I personally don’t think it’s necessary to check all those states. Over the years you will learn what’s best for you and what nutrients dose what to the soil/plant.
Learn to build/grow your soil and the plant will fall into line.

Happy farming… :smiley: :owl: :farmer: :sun_with_face: :v:

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Thanks for taking a look. I’m in the same boat, have grown outdoors for the last two years in organic soil. aside from rot at flower time, I consider it successful.

these two plants are a bit different, having brought them inside to get them out of the mucky wet weather we’ve had - the plants are definitely trying to tell me something. curious if you have thoughts on whether to chop / dry, wait, or throw the whole damn thing in the fire pit… they are losing a lot of leaves, crunchy, with a few entire branches drying up as if they were cut off – I’ve removed those…

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Oh boy you got quite the situation going on buddy. You just need to make it to harvest day!!

First thing…

  • The plants are in shock mode due to the extreme change in lighting, environment and overall growing conditions. This more than likely caused them to go into a lockout mode. Not due to over abundance of nutrients in the soil but due to the sudden change of conditions.

Overtime this will work itself out. But being so close to harvest, three weeks or less, you may never quite notice them getting significantly healthier. Just not enough time. If they had another few months of veg you would see a huge change.

  • There is definitely not enough light for them to fully mature and flower out the way you are probably expecting them to. The sun is a power-house when it comes to light intensity and light penetration.
    In the world of outdoor farming it’s a lot easier to move a plant from an indoor grow to an outdoor grow space. This is where the ‘hardening’ phase comes into play.
    I think @ChittyChittyBangin did and outdoor plant to indoor a few runs ago.

*If you are experiencing mold and chopping some of the plant this is causing a slight stress factor. No getting around it.

Look into PureCrop1. This product is safe for veg and flower. It helps with bug prevention, mold issues and is ‘suppose’ to help with photosynthesis. Overall I have found this product to be simply amazing.

I hope you have a good harvest. Happy farming… :smiley: :owl: :farmer: :sun_with_face: :v:

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late to the party, probably.

Similar to my experiences with FFOF, also at 5-6 weeks. the PH is low.
FFOF with 30-40% perlite?
Tap water PH before adding JACKS Bloom?
After Jacks?
My PH before 7-8
After 6.5
Adjusted to 6.2-6.3 feed or water.

Best wishes for your growing.

just to close the loop here – update: I started noticing that the plant seemed to be ‘rejecting’ entire branches. that branch was simply wilting and drying on the plant, and the branch next to it was fine. for a while, I chopped these bad ones off. I then started noticing that the wilting branches (and the main trunk also) were showing some discoloration in spots, almost looking like bruises. I did a bit of digging on this, and it seems that it’s a systemic fungal infection such as fusarium. based on this reading and that it was too depressing to continue to watch it die every day, I chopped it. There were still a few decent looking branches on each plant, so they’re hung to dry – the rest is in a very nice smelling trash bag…

on the brighter side, I’ve just started two new seeds that will grow up in the newly setup grow tent… I’m very much looking forward to not dealing with rot and bugs! (and growing in winter!)

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Sorry for the stress, but congrats on harvest :metal: