Beginner Grow- falling in love

@BrandNewbian, Yep, she is still going, but soon, very very soon, she will get the chop. My two new girls had some trouble when I moved them out of the hub because of the gnats. I did not realize how hot it was in the bathroom cabinet with the light and they both started to suffer. I think they are going to be ok, though.


Sounds like it is time - Let’s have a look!


I’ll get a couple pics up later. I am thinking another 5-7 days. I have maybe 5% amber…and while I don’t want couch lock, I want bit more amber.


I am going to stick by my opinion that us newbies should never look at trichomes, until the overall big-picture of the plant have that “wow, all the hairs are turning brown!” effect on you.

If you are posting a pic to see “if they are ready”, the abundance of answers I have seen on here have been “NO!” :wink:


@Whodat66, No, I was not posting a pic to ask if it is ready. I will decide that myself. I might harvest in three stages to compare.

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LOL! I was not pointing at you, I was pointing at all of us newbies, and - yes - I harvested too early on my first grow.

@Whodat66, you work my aspie brain. I am not sure what I wrote that was funny. I don’t do sarcasm, or harshness. I never write with attitude, only matter of factually. So maybe you misunderstood me? My brain has to work overtime trying to decide what other people mean by what they say, but I am simple- I say what I mean. :thinking:

Then you will miss a lot of nuance in life my friend, good luck with that.

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@Whodat66, yes I know that. I have aspergers( on the autism spectrum) so I do the best I can. It is work.


I have an “adopted” family :heart: I’m not sure who adopted who :joy:, but my 10 year old “grandson” has Asbergers. He’s a wonderful child with a great imagination, but still learning about social & situational proper behavior. I’m worried about when he gets to High school. Any suggestions of what I can do to help him before then? Thanks for sharing your story here as I have more hope for him now :hugs::heart:

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@SmoknGranny, Social and situational acceptable behavior will be something he will be working on the rest of his life most likely. It is hard because the meaning behind things(both said and done) that you take for granted, will totally baffle somebody like myself. When I was little I constantly asked my mother why something was, or what was meant, and she would scream at me. I finally stopped asking. That saddens me, because it would have helped me learn. So never shut him down when he asks a question. Also I think helping him understand when it is wise to filter what he thinks before he actually says it. With practice, and repetition, learning when to filter my words has helped me…I am still working on it though.
Explain to him what a filter is. And then ever time he says something that should not have been verbalized, tell him to use his filter. If he asks why, explain it. It will be time consuming, but will help him


Thanks from the bottom of my heart :heart:. His Mother and I already do what you suggested. I like giving him the word “filter”. I’m so sorry about your Mother not understanding what you were and are going through. I’m betting YOU are a very sensitive & caring person like my boy. And we are very repetitive with him. :hugs::heart:


Now that I know, if you do have questions I don’t mind explaining, so feel free to ask. To be honest, my sense of humor is pretty dry, an sometimes you’re better off not knowing (others wish they didn’t.)

Guess I hit the nail on the head (was very accurate :wink: ) with the nuance thing. That is the best explanation of it I have heard.

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I should add that I have a degree in education, and I have been learned about various struggles that people have. Until you actually meet someone or see how it really effects their life, it is theoretical.

So when I said “best explanation” I wasn’t joking. It is like when a conversation is going on, then people laugh, and you wonder why?

I only have a few waterings left until I will begin to harvest Greeny. I added a teaspoon of molasses to the water and think I will do that until the end. I would like to know your thoughts on using it.

I would also like to know if I split the stem, but harvest in two, or three stages, how long can my plant continue once her stem has been split? Will I need to harvest all at once if I split it?


Can we see a picture of the stem when you get a chance?

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@Whodat66, I will take a pic in the morning. I did not split it yet though, I am waiting to hear the answer to my question about how long it can keep going after as I am thinking about harvesting in stages. Would you like to see a picture of the stem before the split?

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Here is a picture of the stem now @Whodat66. I put a quarter there because I do not know your logic behind wanting to see it, other than maybe for the size.


I tried to type a picture (using lines) and it failed. So here is my idea. If you want to experiment with splitting, could you split the particular stem you want to harvest first, then the next, etc. instead of the main trunk?

In this pic of my plant, it would be splitting at the green lines (as needed) instead of at the red line. Just an idea.

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@Whodat66, I think that is interesting, but not suitable to me and my first grow. Splitting the smaller stems that hold up a heavy bud may result in immediate breakage; I would have to support it, as well as try to zip tie in small awkward positions. I think your idea is interesting though, and maybe someone with more experience, and stronger extending limbs(bigger plant?) would give this a try.

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