Beginner Grow- falling in love

My opinion looks like its getting burned,from the light

@Majiktoker, no the leaf starts out like a yellow bunch of what I thought were nanners…not burned at all. It is a single leaf, not like a mj leaf… look at all the pics above, the set of them, they are up a bit

Doesn’t look pod shaped to me though @Tr33…Looks more weird leafish like @Whodat66 said. Weird.

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@bluntley420, yep it seems these things are not nanners, but a very strange leaf anomaly…they unroll out…and the yellow ends are fat; so not like any other leaf at all. Why just one cola too? So many unanswered questions.

If your just popping in, scroll back until you see the grouping of pics to get the whole picture.

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Even in black and white…doesn’t she look super sweet?

I feel so lucky; my girl is getting fat, and has many colas.


We are at about the same timeline. What’s your harvest plan?

This is my first grow, and I haven’t made a plan yet…just been thinking about it, but no plans. What are you thinking?

Here is a cool looking pic


Blow it up to see it nice. I am putting it as my pc background.

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Until next week…

They get better and better!

Potty mouth had the transplanting accident several days ago. She has been chopped down to her where her very first leaf set was, and put in ph balanced water with a very little bit of organic nutes because at this point, it was worth trying anything. Well, there is a little green trying its best to grow, and I see some good root formation. Now she is an auto, and this has cut her time down dramatically if she is to survive, so I really don’t know what she will produce…if she continues to live that is. Anyway, just forr interests sake, here is a couple pics I took of her tonight.UPDATE- Potty mouth was layed to rest on 9/28/17. She died in her sleep, without suffering. Her fight was short, but hard. Rest in peace sweet Potty Mouth.

Greeny? She is looking fat, and has a very loud aroma!!! I am going to wait a few days before posting any pics of her so her true fatness can be captured.


It’s by trying that we learn​:blush::+1:. Yep she might not be a big producer of buds, but, if nothing else, it’s the experience of working out a solution.


preach it sista!



Greeny is very good. Her buds are getting nice and thick, and she is glistening.I had to move the lights up just a little because she was getting just a touch of light burn. I quench her thirst about every other day. Her temps run upper 70’s and humidity is around 40-45 during the day, but creeps up to 60 at night. She has about 6 big top buds, that will be at minimum 6" but probably closer to 8 or 9, and many other branches that are producing good looking buds too. I tried to use side lighting, so I think that helped with the other buds.

This is a bud from a bottom branch. I think the lower buds look pretty good too, and am thinking about harvesting the top colas first when it is time, and if they need it, letting the bottom ones go another week or two.


Went in my grow hub this morning to find a bunch of dead and dying gnats on the floor around my plant. I have been letting my soil dry out really good, so I am not sure what is going on. I am going to get a new prescription for my glasses because I don’t know how I could not see them if they were there…I did the peroxide/water treatment, and have ordered some neem oil. I cleaned out my hub really well too, and did not have any yellow stickies, so I made some. I don’t know if they will work- I had yellow paper I cut into squares,and I put package tape with the sticky side out covering the yellow paper, and used paper clips to stick them in the soil. I will let you know if they work or not, lol.
My two new girls are across the room, in a separate area…I wanted to deep water them, but decided to wait until next grow for that. Hope Greeny can hurry up a little…for an auto, this is turning into a pretty long grow I am around day 100 now. . Will post new pics in a few days- I want to be able to identify the changes easily in pics.
Also, I ordered a dehumidifier that should be here by this coming Sat. It so humid, I wish I had a little of the northern chill to relax in.

The gnats are unbelievable!!!How could I not see anything, then for the past two days, be fighting the most unbelievable infestation! I am not exaggerating, there are tens of thousands of these little suckers trying to suck the life force from my plant. Yesterday morning, as stated in the previous post, I cleaned everything, and treated the soil with a peroxide/water treatment.There are fans constantly blowing in the hub. I woke this morning to find even more dead and dying gnats all over the floor,(had to be ten thousand(how is it possible?) and climbing out of and on top of the soil. I have been cleaning since I woke up, and trying to help my poor Greeny. I ran out and got a neem oil treatment spray from the store(i ordered some, but was not waiting!). I scooped up a lot of the top layers of soil, put down DE again, after spraying the neem. The number of these things has me thinking they must have been eating at my plants root system…but how could I not see them??? I am worried about Greeny, what is going to happen to her? I took one pic of a pile of these little suckers, but have not checked it it even came out. Does anybody have any suggestions for me?


Oh my goodness. That is how these infestations seem to strike though. Before mine went into flower I thought I saw a gnat and inundated my plants and soil with DE and never saw anything else going on in spite of inspecting everything daily. Next thing I know I have spider mites, millions it seemed eating away at my 2 WWs and 1 Gold leaf. Had to harvest those fast. The WW is ok, the Gold Leaf is a waste. I have 3 plants left which I sprayed with Azamax last Monday and haven’t seen any mites, the plants are doing so so. I sprayed them again today, a week later to make sure the problem is taken care of.

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wow FreakyDeekie, I am in shock over this. I was reading about the spider mites just today. This is a total suck fest…I hope my girl can finish before these things take her.

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