Bama's Happy Little Grow

Very very nice.

Do they look done to you? I was just in the growroom and there are 4 Black Widow to cut and 1/2 of a Bruce Banner as best I Can tell…Making room in the drying room for them …

I still see a bunch of white hairs. I’d wait until those are all orange first.

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Harvest day for my Skittles and gelato! The trichomes are just the way i want them.

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First plant is complete. Zkittles. 576 grams of wet trimmed buds. I estimate I’ll bring 5.5 to 6 ounces from her. Based on all of my grows and how i like my bud it will lose approximately 70% of its pre dry weight.

On to the next one!

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First two plants are done.
Skittles and gelato.
Now there’s 2 wedding cakes to deal with.

The harvest is complete. All of the bud is removed from the stems and manicured. It is now hanging in the Hanging Basket Drying Rack Thingy (HeBDiRT).

I estimate that I will have approximately 39 ounces when done.

Zkittlez - 6 ounces
Gelato - 8 ounces
Wedding Cake #1 - 8 ounces
Wedding Cake #2 - 17 ounces

My best harvest ever.

Thank you to everyone that gave me a hand. I appreciate it.
I’ll update again once everything is dry.

@Low @JJ520 @RightAway @Bubbala @Retiredoldguy @ChittyChittyBangin @JimWantsToGrow


Wicked haul!


Fantastic Return…Good Work…really respectable numbers…Happy Growing


Nicely done congrats

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That’s a great haul @Bamarayne ! Happy :dash:

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Everything is now in jars and i have a final weight.
I started with a goal of drying to 30% of start weight. But i didn’t like that. So, i continued on to 25% of original weight. That came out perfect.
Then into cardboard boxes for 12 hours for an overnight sweat.
Then they went in the jars.

Zkittles - 6.16 ounces
Gelato - 6.71 ounces
Wedding Cake #1 - 6.32 ounces
Wedding Cake #2 - 15.35 ounces.

I don’t know why that second WC went Mutant on me but I’m hoping i can recreate that.

Over all not a bad harvest. It will only improve from here.


Well done Grow Bro!! Nice stash of Top Shelf Home Grow :muscle::muscle::love_you_gesture:


Very nice stash

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Thanks everyone. This was my first grow in my new grow room. There were a lot of firsts for me with a lot more to come.

I’ll be starting my next grow soon!


Congrats on the harvest nice work


Good Evening Growmie Bama…besides the size difference in WC2 did you notice other phenotype differences? You will fi nd that special pheno and to keep her bloodline (sapline?) is important…for instance plants that produce twice what the other does…thats sometimes a difference in phenotypes…its good to reproduce what works…cloning is something to consider in those special circumstances…awesome harvest, good job getting everything trimmed and put up …Happy Growing

She looked more like a sativa than the hybrid she was. There was a lot of the 3 leaf thing going on. I’ve also noticed that the flier is not nearly as potent as her sister. I kept them separated just to test that.

It was definitely a strange plant.

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I had 3 distinctly different blackwidow…taste, color and potency…almost like different strains …very common…thats the difference with clones…,…they are exactly the same…makes for consistency all the way thru the grow…same appetite, height, potency etc…just me thinkin out loud…Happy Growing