Anyone try fish shit?

Hey so off the topic question for you, so I’m making a hydro tote.I was wondering how many/size pots should I use. I have x2 10" ones that are ment for a bucket and 2 6" pots. Was thinking of doing one 10" and one or two of the 6". But should I not do that many due to the roots? Was thinking it would be a sh#t show with roots.

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Eh? You’re using one tote for several plants? Or two totes? Or what?

If you get a DWC grow going gangbusters, more than one plant per container will create a zoo of roots. In RDWC, even if you do have one plant per container you need to be careful that the roots don’t go down the return plumbing and end up in the res…

In short, one plant per container, IMO.

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Haha, it was my uncle…so who knows…was a local pizza place our table and a couple tables that overheard his story were laughing our/their asses off. He’s always full of straightfaced nonsense like that, always entertaining to say the least.


Man I have no clue on hydro, I use coco. My growmie @HappyHydroGrower is in hydro and can hook you up on DIY hydro.

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Sounds like a fun dinner party!

As a alternative to fish shit prices, try the dry formula drops the price down organics in soil. :face_with_monocle::yin_yang:

got a link? google ain’t finding anything for fishit dry formula

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Ok thanks, rn I have one tote with a 10" pot. I’m making another one and wanted to be able to get a couple in there. But I am going to settle with 2 6" or one 10" not sure yet is the site:

Bat guano is liquid

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Check the link please? This doesn’t work.

Can’t go wrong with Jack’s 321…for real it’s super easy and cheap. Results speak for itself as it’s now the go to for many many growers.

You want fish and kelp or at least i do.

A little late posting on this thread but here is a run, Waikiki Queen photo, with Coast of Maine Stonington blend. Tap water only with 5ml of Fish Shit per gallon.


Here is the one I just chopped using the fish shit. Not the best climate control for this strain during the winter, why weigh wet I know, but this is bud is dense. 8oz wet.


Use Fish Sh!t every time I water or add nutes (once/week for nutes). Everything organic.

This is Sour Diesel from a prior grow just before harvest:

:shushing_face: :crazy_face:


So i can calculate at 75 percent and have a real good estamate. This bud was 43 grams.