All My Outdoor Growmies!

No I keep it in my basement. For good castings they’ll be good next years grow give or take. And the only thing I don’t feed my worms is high amounts of salt everything else as far as I’m concerned is fair game. Red wigglers are the shit


@Rev.LeftLane can you show me a pic of your worm bin so I have an idea or where you got your plans for yours ?


Best formula to building a bin🤔

• 18-30 gallon tote
• one brick of unsalted coco coir or pete equivalent
• one bag of humus and manure (black cow if I remember correctly)

Moisten all contents to be the same as you would for a seedling not soaked just nice and moist. Blend thoroughly make the material about 12-18 inches thick minimum. Add anywhere from 1-2000 composting worms not night crawlers for this setup and size. Place a light above the bin for the first few weeks 40-60w should be enough. They like to explore when they’ve been introduced to new environments that they’re not used to. Place 1-3 bananas with the peeling open or cut in half evenly apart about 3” below the surface. Once fed try and cover with newspaper shredded up or soaking wet cardboard and paper to help hold in moisture as you haven’t actually got castings at this point so moisture retention isn’t great. But much like a baby plant DON’T OVER WATER THE WORMS!!!


@Rev.LeftLane well I caved and decided I’m going to fully embrace the boogie brew to help create a regenerative soil for my garden and also my ladies. Bought enough to make 200 gallons.


Thanks for sharing the info…! :saluting_face:


Good deal. Hopefully you find a calmer more delightful growing experience my friend


Without a doubt growmie


That pure protein listed is the shit !!! Use about 2 tablespoons in your tea at about the 18 hour brew mark. And about 1-2 tbsp per 4-5 gallons h2o for a foliage spray


Current update on my autos around 4 weeks since they popped. And my photo sprouts for my outdoor growing fun


Nice Looking Plant’s! Happy Growing :partying_face:


Thanks Growmie!!! :sunglasses:


Well hats off to the indoor peeps who kick ass. Definitely a learning curve that I’m not all up to snuff on. Going to be a low yield but eh. How I grow definitely requires some adjustments and new tools for the trade like a moisture meter :rofl: totally jacked that up and well that led to flowering I’m gonna guess from the stress :ok_hand:t3::rofl:

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Update on current autos and photos getting ready for outdoor grow this season hopefully I can figure out the indoor thing. I definitely need to invest sometime in to it and figure out the best way to incorporate my outdoor practices with the indoor environment. But that’s not as simple as it seems. But alas probably should still get at least two to four ounces which is a start for an outdoor guy like me that has no real experience with this program.


Hi I hope youre having a good summer and good gardening with the nice bushes like you had last year. It’s a nice late-summer here, I think we share weather. Cya 'round my not-far-away neighbors.


Is that Dill & Basil growing with your girls?

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Unfortunately I have lost almost all my girls at the new house due to high high high winds. Gonna have to pull a DT and build a wall

Yes and no just doin some old school shit

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