I would love to tag along. I’m out of likes almost so Here are a few for good measure!!
I think I’ll be the nosy neighbor peeking over the fence. It’s like going to school for free.
Set to Watching!
I’ll tag along if you don’t mind. off to a great start. I have a Matantuska at the same age. we will have to compare notes as they go along.
you all need to take notes… …my sis knows how to grow sticky face buds…
, they will take your face off
…thanks for the tag my friend …im in my usual spot …
Thanks all and YES, the more the merrier. I was trying to tag more people but my new little helper doesn’t give me more than a couple of minutes without distractions. And well, he distracted me with his seemingly never ending stream of pee while I was trying to get this together.
When I cleaned the tent and all after the last grow I forgot to tie the inlet hose up, to get it off the floor, another damn mouse got in the tent last night and uprooted a Skunk/Black lime reserve. So I dropped 2 more seeds this morning to make up for it. Mice in the garage this year are an issue we haven’t had before. Still battling the little bastards.
My first time growing the Matanuska, but RAPS seeds haven’t let me down yet. Can’t wait to see what they do
Set to watch. You always kill it mam. Love the new helper that face
Along for the ride, when did you get the new helper. Seems I missed a lot during my little hiatus.
Just got him last week. His name is Gambit. He’s a Plott Hound mix about 12 weeks old
Sorry about the intruders Sis! But stoked about the new addition to the family.
Well dang! She’s at it again and has more help! Set to watching.
So much “help”
Hey, my trouble dog gets to come sniff my tent at least once a day. He pointed out powdery mildew, thrips, and root rot all way before I could see em. Your “helper” may not always be very helpful, but sometimes they’re real useful
Or sometimes they lick your nute concentrate and spend 48 hours getting a dose of benedryl every 4 hours.
You’ve seen my new pup: hoping yours has less energy than this demon haha. Cute AF but a handful.
Nothing better to put a smile on your face though.
Wide selection set to watch.
Oh my gosh, the energy is endless! And how can a puppy pee and poop so damn much. My last puppy, 11 years ago, spoiled me apparently. He was so chill. Not this little hellion. He’s funny and entertaining and we are already in love with his bad little butt
Look at that face on your pup though, I can tell he’s sorry for whatever he did
I need a dog. Just have this hellcat and her older brother. This one is the one that has squashed and twice uprooted my PoisonBerry
This is our guy Felix, he’s the coolest cat, doesn’t mess with my plants, brings me gifts and likes to hang out with me. But I always need a dog in my life.
He put Gambit in his place a few times and now they’re cool with each other and I’m sure the scratches across Gambits nose will heal
BOM voting ends tomorrow night (here in the states) so if you haven’t voted yet, get over there and make your vote count