Looks very nice!
Harvest congrats Sis
Thanks guys!!! Feels good to be in the game again lol
That SOB is super frosty
By the looks of it you never left the game.
The cannatrol is loaded!!!
This second one, I gave it an extra day in the dryer before adding the KR. I brought an XL Cone of SOB #1 hiking with me and myself and another guy smoked on it by the fire for at least 3 hours and still had some left. It burnt super slow lol
Wow those buds look good setting in the Cannatrol. Harvest congrats again and the SOB sounds awesome
you will love the way the cannatrol drys and short cures…once you get past the fact you don’t have the same smell as when traditional dry because of those lost terps…and when you go to grind up all that Kief stays on the bud and not in the bottom of your tray…
All I can say is Dayum!!
This is my second year with it and yes, I absolutely love it! And so does everyone who enjoys my smoke.
I pack up my cones and put them back in there… I just love going to it like a fridge and getting a fresh cone to smoke…for my lungs the moisture in the bud makes a huge difference…
I might give that a try!!
I am so spoiled that now when I go out with some cones I must package them with a Boveda pack so they don’t dry out…
Bad, bad, @AfgVet and @Retiredoldguy
Why must you rub all that Cannatrol goodness on all of us poor peeps…
When I leave my house, I have to carry my joints in my pockets.
Whatever I lack in “quality”, I make up in “quantity”…
PS: Just kidding, I’m super happy for you both my friends!
I know you love us…but really it makes a huge difference on the old lungs…
Well aren’t we sophisticated and agree with @kaptain3d on you 2
Pockets… when I was a kid we were so poor we lived in a shoe box in the middle of the street. Every time a car drove by it spun us into the gutter and our joints went everywhere… <<<modified Monty Python skit. You’re hilarious @kaptain3d nice harvest @AfgVet. Looked at a Cannatrol. The wife smacked the phone out of my hand. I looked away.
But honey… :
She is the sampler of the wares. It’s all for you babe… can I have my phone back please?