7 weeks old-yellow spot?

That’s absolutely amazing @Hogmaster I’m definitely gonna try it out! & @Jenntee flower power is great but anyway you go you can’t go wrong!

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What size LED you use @Hogmaster of you don’t mind me asking?

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Yes you can use the flower power nutrients they are by far one of the best nutrients I have used

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I use a meizhi 600watt and have 3-300 watt only using 2 of the 2 at the moment I use the 300s for side light

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Cool. Thanks

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Thanks everyone!

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Anytime friend! Good luck and happy growings! (:smile:

Cool beans. I have just a 300W but seems to be doing the job atm so scew it lol

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@Hogmaster you say feed them once a week with the flower power?..holy crap i’ve been using it every feeding!!! and thank god i haven’t burned them up…just been wasting my nutrients:frowning_face:oh well i guess that’s what this forum is for…people like myself who are new and have no clue what we’re doing and getting great advice. i posted a comment a day ago or so about one of my ILGM auto NL’s that’s about 46 days old now and hasn’t began flowering do you think my daily feeding is the problem? she’s huge and healthy looking…(thank god) but please advise I’ll also figure out how to add a photo on here or i keep a daily log on my YouTube channel if you would like to take a look…let me know because i’m on a very limited budget and the ILGM seeds were gifted to me and I’ve already lost a few so any help would greatly be appreciated.
Thanks in advance

Again thanks

You will be good to feed them every other so feed water feed water buy the last week or two I just water no flushing involved

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@Hogmaster thanks so much and I actually adopted that feeding schedule after reading up more…thanks again