#4 🐵 Gorilla Cookies

@dbrn32 is onto something.

I’d say 2 weeks. I’d also be ok chopping in a week. Regardless, I’d chop before the sugars got crispy. I have no idea why they would be displaying the deficiency they are with your numbers shared. Makes me think… The 4/2 ratio is high (ish) in PK, could have been locked out with a lack of magnesium. Balance. Competition. Balance varies within a degree plant, to plant, and your numbers are on point. But let’s be real, at this stage it really doesn’t matter too much.

You don’t know until you know :call_me_hand:t3:


My first generator was too loud for the neighbors or me to sleep.
My Honda Em2200 is so quiet.
Hope for the best, for all.


There was a couple weeks, probably week 4 or so of flower that i tried feeding 4/2 ratio for all 3 gallons of the feedings and that was when the brown first started. It started as tip burn and then slowly turned into what you see now. When i dialed back the feeding numbers it stopped getting worse. I belive yall are right, im not as familiar with the signs but it definitely struck me as she was getting to much of something.

There are still several little branches on the bottom that are bent over from when the humidity tanked the other day. Some of the big tops started to lean but they dont seam to have gotten any worse. If i can just keep the RH in there at 50% the rest of the grow i think shes gunna be fine.

Is there a chance those dark tricombs and the dead sugar leaves are a result of light burn?


I tried the 4/2 with the same result. Dialed back to 321.


This is my 3rd jacks grow and ive never opened my bag of salt :sweat_smile:. The 321 ratio may have been beneficial for this strain. Need to make a note of that somewhere lol.


Are you sure those bottom branches aren’t just leaning from the weight of buds? This is common, especially if the branches don’t have quite as much mass and are already directed sideways of sorts.


Very possible, hadn’t really considered that. I think the stems got a little rubbery when the rh got so low, now that its back in range they cant lift themselves back up. Thanks man! That stuff is in the edibles layer lol. It was looking like the tops were about to do it too but they are looking a little better. Those 2 colas that are noticeably larger than the rest may need another piece of wire somewhere to keep them straight.


She’d be hanging HotRod, i kook at it as her giving you a variety. Im thinking in my eyes only and theys squinting and bloodshot but able. Lol


She got some gogo juice right at lights on today!


Humidity is still holding around 50% and she seams to be back somewhat healthy again. Ph is trying to trend up but its still in the window.

I had a minute to get some bud porn today :sweat_smile:.

Made a little safty harness for the arm growing up in the back lol. Its not pulling against it but it should keep it from leaning any farther. Used a wax coated trotline so it wouldn’t get any fuzzys on it. Super sticky and smells like lemon/lime :heart_eyes:. Cant wait to taste test lol.

I think im gunna be better off using my phone for trichomes pictures.

@Bunger64 shes definitely a variety pack right now lol. Those tops are alot closer to ready that the bottom nugs. Im gunna keep getting close ups with each feeding and see how she progress. I wonder if id be alright just doing water from here on out? Im thinking 7-10 more days and the main colas are gunna be bad close. But the bottom 1/2 is gunna need probably another week after that. Just have to keep an eye on it.

Decided to have a snow day :snowflake::cloud_with_snow:

Yall stay warm and have a great weekend!!


Those trich pics look like I’m on acid. :face_with_spiral_eyes:


I hope they make me feel like i am lol


Whats that measurement of silly goose. Lol


You take a tumble on the way to the mailbox B?!?!? :sweat_smile:


If it was Jerry there’d be a pair of manboobs imprinted there as well….:joy: Moobs!!!


My weight loss took my moobs away but i like that.


Seeing alot more cloudy than i did the other day. Still not much amber but definitely less clears! Shes getting there. Had to make a cane for another cola :sweat_smile:. A couple of them wouldn’t be standing without the strings now. Hopefully ill be taking atleast the top 1/3 by this weekend. Gunna keep checking them pretty regular till then.


Drool worthy!


Thanks man :grin:


Ahhh yeah, coming along nicely!!


One of my Afghan Autos, Seed drop 10/7, transplant 11/7, flower 11/20.
Seven and one half weeks, still early, but cloudy.
Not as ready as yours.
Keep up the good work.