I’m gonna mess around more with her phone, different apps, front and back sensors etc. Hopefully I figure it out
Totally understandable.
The phone works great, trust it, front camera photone app no diffuser on sunlight mode. Trust it.
Keep your ppm’s and ph in line, keep feeding and ensure the 20% run off to avoid salting up.
Aim for a good VPD and try to keep your temp as close to 79/80f as possible.
You have cannabis VPD chart printed out in your grow room right.
Look at your stage of growth in the top right, find your temperature and slide across to find the ideal humidity range for your grow.
As for the light, once those things above are dialed in your plant should really react positively to light, at this stage it wants the most light it will ever want. With out the nice photone app I would say follow the manufacturer directions and read your plants with Uploading pictures daily.
Some plants are light senstive just due to genetics but it’s rare and all your plants shouldn’t be doing the same thing if that was the case.
3 gallon or 5 gallon? Both work great I like 5 gallon because I can take advantage of the room to grow more root mass due to having my grow dialed in. Coco and soil are different and that’s a decent can of worms on its own.
I don’t believe the pot size are limiting your ability currently, I will be clear about that.
A LUX meter can be bought from Amazon or Walmart and the wave form way work, I have always done it this way and only recently downloaded photone myself.
Once your environment is well controlled and your plants are getting the right amount of nutrients then the lighting can be pushed.
Here are current pics. Day 47
Haha, thanks
Here are some current photos
These 2 are NL
These 3 are GG
Ppms around 200-300 before feeding, dry pot. 1000-1100 after feeding. I get good runoff, probably 10-15%
So… I consider them to be early flower… every time I look at temp during the day it’s 72°. But im guessing it drops some at night… its staying in 60s outside overnight, might have had a couple upper 50s.
RH shows range. So lately, lows RH been like 50-55 low and 70-75 high. High is towards end of 6hr dark im guessing. Usually I have to run a humidifier to get RH into 40’s… It’s been raining here for like two weeks so RH outside is high
So at 70-72° VPD chart say between 55-65RH if I read it right. So I’m a little out of range. Do you think I could run lights 24/7 for awhile until outdoor humidity drops? I have like a whole house dehumidifier but it’s expensive to run unless you definitely think i should instead of leaving the lights on?
I really want to crank it up Do you think I’m in range?
Then I think 37.5 dli is sf4000 max I’ll mess around again but I know I had it set to 18hr/sunlight with no diffuser and front camera
Yep, that’s what you said before
I meant installing the LUX app on daughter’s phone. Wife’s getting pi**y about me spending
I also noticed the GG that stretched is slightly showing more flower/pistols than other 2
GG stretched is 1st pic of GG above
I wouldn’t worry about a whole house humidifier either, no one here will steer you that way it’s over the top.
Make sure your getting a bit more run off ide say just to be safe from a salt off.
Turn your lights up a bit and your temp should rise, what’s your exhaust fan set at? Is it in a controller via values or just a speed setting?
Night lows are fine, brings out good color if it’s possible in the genetic and adds a bit of light stress as well as other benefits I can’t all recall currently.
Your at the time to lollipop and defoilate but yes your plants look like they can handle max amount of light, turn it up a bit every 2nd day.
Ok, bud that all sounds good. Im gonna go 5% may 3
I figure if I add 1/2 gallon more grow juice to what I’ve been feeding, that will be 20% runoff
Ya know, I had alot of white stains on the grow bags from last grow… I was thinking it was my hard water… I bet I was salt.
The one girlscout about 2 1/2’ tall from last grow, that died before maturing… when I pulled it out of the bag the root ball was only 1/2 deep. The bottom 1 half was pretty much loose soil. I was thinking dang, I must have over watered it, but I’m pretty religious about following the flood drought method. Maybe it was salt build up? That could be part of my problem
I was running the exhaust at 50% but I thought it would help lower humidity to crank so I’ve had it at 90% for last 5 days days or so. 100% is too loud
It only has speed control. I didn’t get auto-thermostat although it was/is an option
Ok, ill lollipop and defoliate over the nest week… first I think I better see how it responds to more light
Once again, thanks for all your help. I’ll post more pics tomorrow
You can add an inkbird controller for fairly cheap, it will only control temp humidity though so your call on that one.
Yeah the cheaper fans move alot of air for a low price but they scream I have one and one AC infinity, love my AC infinity with controller.
I would go ahead and Lolipop both of them. Asap.
Wait a couple days then defoilate
It was definitely salt, my pots get it all the time by the end of a grow or two but that’s because I’m in autopots.
Hard to say sometimes why a plant is weak, I had one die super easy from drying out for a bit to long. Lack of water has killed 2 of my plants in my grow history so far. Oh well
I have the 6" AC infinity. I bought 2. They expensive I thought they offered an AC infinity temp controller. Idk maybe not. That was like 9 months ago. Memory lately goes back about 2 weeks
I’m on it for sure
This is 3rd grow under LED. I’m 8 for 10 on first 2 grows haha. 2nd harvest was 18-20oz from 3 GG and 1 GSC so I was happy with that
AC infinity has a wicked controller silly!
They monitor temperature and humidity or you can just set it to a speed.
Dang. Totally worth the extra money in my book for early veg or for Durring drying
I almost bought it… crap. Oh well ill add it to the wish list
Don’t neeeeed it but it’s very nice to have.
You think the AC infinity is loud?
Man your lucky you didn’t buy a cheap vivisun or something haha mine sounds like a jet
Hahaha, yeah it’s loud, but mostly because it doesn’t vent outside. The tent’s in an open 3 room 2nd level… if it went into a closed room or outside im sure it would be more quiet. For a 6" fan, it’s amazing how much air it moves
Ohh you don’t vent outside? Ahhh that’s your humidity issue. And also your issue will beow co2 levels.
You would probably benefit from an exhale bag, mushroom bags sometimes they call them.
Co2 readers are expensive, I want to just like rent one to know my co2 levels but I vent to outside so oh well.
Do a grow or two and them try one and see if you think it makes a difference they are like 60$ or something and last like 6-8 months
I’ve saw those co2 bags. But I thought I would be ok with the floor plan. A little hard to describe, it’s about 600sq’ . The first area where the tent is, is open to the stairs then two attached large rooms with double doors that are always open
I’m not sure I could get it outside from where it’s at and the type of windows. Not to interested in going through the wall. I have plaster walls and ceilings. Hanging a picture can be an ordeal. It would take about 20’ of venting to reach a spot that would work. Plus, unless I pulled in from outdoors, I’d just be pumping my air-conditioning or heat out the window and I be pulling it pests?
It hits 100° in the summer and -20° in the winter. How do you pull that air in
The humidity on first level is pretty identical to humidity outside tent 2nd level
You’re killing me smalls
Yea that’s a pain, there is no way to tell without going to a rental or a safety company and renting a co2 reader for a day and take a reading of your room and inside the tent. 40$ Mayne
It gets - 40 here in the winter and 107 in the summer so I feel ya.
I only exhaust outside, so that way in the winter my plants dorm freeze, I heat the room mostly with the tents and close the door to that room but it’s a barn door so far from perfect lol.
I’m the summer I just have the AC as far away from that door as possible.
Out my window I have a dryer vents mounted inside a piece of Styrofoam boar that a window pushes up. Against and in between them is a universal rubber seal. I spray flamed the dryer vents once in place. Works for me.
Some people tie into the hvac vent or attic, and some just buy a co2 bag.
As always gotta find what works.
If your omly growing a few plants and rhe whole house is open to air exchange you should be okay. Again without a meter it’s impossible to know.
I do believe I could get my hands on a meter… I also have a son who has a friend that grows and from I understand, he has two of everything If something new or better comes out he just buys it… pretty sure he has setup with a tank so he probably has a meter… just don’t like putting my son in the middle. He hates asking for help or a favor ever… (especially for his dad)
The windows close by are those skinny vertical ones that crank open sideways only about 6"
I’ll see… won’t happen this grow but if I can’t test it I’ll get a co2 bag and see if it helps
I think the 20’ of venting and about 7 turns to navigate to a window would kill even the AC infinity. I saw a chart bends and distance are huge factors
Exactly what I thought! Those who read first and buy later will never know the real struggle. As if the damn things weren’t loud enough, the speed control was horrible and would create undervoltage that would fry the bearings and make it worse.
I disagree with using start/stop control for exhaust though. Exhaust not solely for management of temp and rh, also replaces co2. I would rather have thst running all the time and be a little off on ideal temp and/or rh.
Haha right!
I got this jet going in my spare bedroom I was hoping it would. Die but 3 years of 24/7 and shes as loud as day 1.
I use the temp and humidity controls Durring early veg when the co2 levels really don’t matter. Think first week or two and then Durring drying process really helps to maintain humidity levels perfectly.
So the AC infinity temp controller is on or off and doesn’t just adjust fan speed to control temp and humidity?
Old age sometimes makes you think twice or take a harder look. Pretty much every thing I did, I did wrong at least once