I need ph calibration fluid
I wish I could say I understand that… but I can not
Are those different standards of measurement from different manufacturers or regions?
I’m sorry but what is “not necessarily” referring too lol
Exactly what they are
I’m not sure which units my meter operates in. uS is on top…
So apparently my knockoff meter is neither of those 3 brands… but supposedly closest to “Hanna”
I still don’t know how to relate this to what I’m displaying on my meter
I don’t know what my recommended conductivity levels are
Which meter do you use to get 950?
Dang. Wish I would have bought that one. Is that what you use? Or the least expensive option you’d recommend?
I bought this one in 2017 and still works. Has had pretty easy life though. I think it was $12 when I bought.
Awesome, thanks for the help. I think first I’ll get some na342 and find my instructions lol…
If nothing else I’ll buy my third meter
In the meantime im trusting my scale… if nothing else I’ll blame it all on @Nicky
He’s an easy target haha
Aww love you guys to
So it turns out the calibration fluid for my ph/ppm pen has been recalled and calibration is not possible. I managed to get Amazon to issue a refund. I know which ppm pen you suggest @dbrn32 but which ph pen? I have the cheap $10 yellow one from Amazon (sorry @Nicky) Do you recommend a reasonably priced ph meter?
This is same manufacturer
[HM Digital PH-80 pH Meter Waterproof PH80 Tester HydroTester https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078XJQ6HM/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_8J5XC5AJF6QV6VGM55XZ](HM Digital PH-80 pH Meter Waterproof PH80 Tester HydroTester https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078XJQ6HM/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_8J5XC5AJF6QV6VGM55XZ)
I hoping for less $$
How do you post your cool looking Amazon link? Is that a privilege I have yet to aquire?
The ph pen i currently use is apera sx620 i think. I’ve only had this one for little over a year though, and seems pretty good. My super cheap tds tester has worked fine, but I would spend a little more on ph tester.
Sooo, many testers out there. Dang
Looking at Milwaukee since mainly it’s not made in China lol
This is what I’m thinking about. It’s more in my price range @dbrn32 @Nicky @newt
Milwaukee Instruments PH55 pH Waterproof Dual Level Temperature Meter, Pocket-Size, -2.0 DegreeC to 16.0 DegreeC Temperature Range, 0.1pH Resolution, 38 mm Diameter https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008932BNE/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_6TKVXYZBNDFS1210S2G2?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I don’t think you’ll go wrong with that.
I agree I think that work work well.
The reason I like the apera kit is that it comes with ph calibration fluid.
All metres should be calibrated at least once a month.
I have several packets of powder. There’s one for $64 that comes with 2 packets. Do you think the premix fluid is better than powder.
Reading all this, I never realized pens should be stored in “storage fluid” So I was thinking $61 for the pen and $13 for the fluid. I have enough powder for a few months at least
Made in Romania
I’m. Sure both will work.
I bought the apera PH 20 kit because it comes with everything I’ve had it for 3 years. I don’t store mine in storage fluid lol I lost the cap.
Compare the ph20 kit to thr pen your looking at. The kit comes with enough fluid to last you the life of you ever growing u think lol.
I just dunk my pen right unit the bottles to calibrate it.
Might be less hassle to get thr kit even if it cost 20$ more…