3rd indoor grow Starting 9/13

I need ph calibration fluid

Not necessarily, possible they just measure differently

I wish I could say I understand that… but I can not :smile:

Are those different standards of measurement from different manufacturers or regions?

I’m sorry but what is “not necessarily” referring too lol

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Exactly what they are

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Screenshot_20211018-152812_Video trimmer

I’m not sure which units my meter operates in. uS is on top…:man_shrugging:

So apparently my knockoff meter is neither of those 3 brands… but supposedly closest to “Hanna”

I still don’t know how to relate this to what I’m displaying on my meter

I don’t know what my recommended conductivity levels are

Which meter do you use to get 950?


Dang. Wish I would have bought that one. Is that what you use? Or the least expensive option you’d recommend?

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I bought this one in 2017 and still works. Has had pretty easy life though. I think it was $12 when I bought.

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Awesome, thanks for the help. I think first I’ll get some na342 and find my instructions lol…

If nothing else I’ll buy my third meter :rofl: :rofl:

In the meantime im trusting my scale… if nothing else I’ll blame it all on @Nicky :rofl: :rofl:


He’s an easy target haha


Aww love you guys to :heart_eyes_cat:

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So it turns out the calibration fluid for my ph/ppm pen has been recalled and calibration is not possible. I managed to get Amazon to issue a refund. I know which ppm pen you suggest @dbrn32 but which ph pen? I have the cheap $10 yellow one from Amazon (sorry @Nicky) Do you recommend a reasonably priced ph meter?

This is same manufacturer

[HM Digital PH-80 pH Meter Waterproof PH80 Tester HydroTester https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078XJQ6HM/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_8J5XC5AJF6QV6VGM55XZ](HM Digital PH-80 pH Meter Waterproof PH80 Tester HydroTester https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078XJQ6HM/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_8J5XC5AJF6QV6VGM55XZ)

I hoping for less $$ :laughing:

How do you post your cool looking Amazon link? Is that a privilege I have yet to aquire?

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The ph pen i currently use is apera sx620 i think. I’ve only had this one for little over a year though, and seems pretty good. My super cheap tds tester has worked fine, but I would spend a little more on ph tester.


Sooo, many testers out there. Dang

Looking at Milwaukee since mainly it’s not made in China lol

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This is what I’m thinking about. It’s more in my price range @dbrn32 @Nicky @newt

Milwaukee Instruments PH55 pH Waterproof Dual Level Temperature Meter, Pocket-Size, -2.0 DegreeC to 16.0 DegreeC Temperature Range, 0.1pH Resolution, 38 mm Diameter https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008932BNE/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_6TKVXYZBNDFS1210S2G2?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

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I don’t think you’ll go wrong with that.


I agree I think that work work well.

The reason I like the apera kit is that it comes with ph calibration fluid.

All metres should be calibrated at least once a month.


I have several packets of powder. There’s one for $64 that comes with 2 packets. Do you think the premix fluid is better than powder.

Reading all this, I never realized pens should be stored in “storage fluid” So I was thinking $61 for the pen and $13 for the fluid. I have enough powder for a few months at least

Made in Romania

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I’m. Sure both will work.

I bought the apera PH 20 kit because it comes with everything I’ve had it for 3 years. I don’t store mine in storage fluid lol I lost the cap.

Compare the ph20 kit to thr pen your looking at. The kit comes with enough fluid to last you the life of you ever growing u think lol.
I just dunk my pen right unit the bottles to calibrate it.

Might be less hassle to get thr kit even if it cost 20$ more…