2023 greenhouse and outdoor adventure

Cookies kush #2


All gas og x gelato


Self bred Blueberry (local strain)


And people say outdoor is easy, that shit sucks bro im sorry, mother nature can be a real difficult nut to crack sometimes. Good luck with the remaining survivor’s i hope those girls make up for your loss.


I have to tell you , i am a smoker…
I was looking at your tricome pics and i started lookin real good… :face_with_monocle:
And then i thought to myself mid hardcore eyeball action… FU#k … my danm screens cracked… fffuuu =÷×+kkkkkkk and then … i looked a little bit better and had a really good laugh :smile: :rofl: :joy: :grinning:
Looks like they could go longer…
Just use 1 oz of canola oil and 5 drops of dawn dish soap to a gallon of water for a good defensive regime and 2 oz of oil for a bad bug infestation and apply once a week it also helps fight off mold n mildew also…
People that are worried about using neem oil or think its expensive will use canola instead…
I use both with no issues…
Apply at sun set or 6 to 8 hours before sun rise… :+1:t3:
Shake extremely well during application…
The spray bottle that is… :grinning: :rofl: :wink:
:v:t4: :sunglasses:

If you spray peroxide 50/50 is too strong. You want it 3 parts water and 1 part peroxide.


I hope he didnt get that message to late

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Yeah it was too late :alarm_clock: fogged them with the mixture, but they seem to be doing just fine and no new outbreaks @BigTrout @plumbdand

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50/50 is strong but it’s not gonna heart it sprayed one time. It might turn pistils brown prematurely. Sprayed 50/50 repeatedly can cause some of your leaves to turn yellow and orange but still be a good leaf.

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Desperate times calls for desperate measures in the forbidden grove!!! With the bud rot still coming on slow, I can’t let anymore rain get on the Glookies!!


@dbrn32 @plumbdand @W.B.elpaso can you give these trich shots a look and give me an idea as far as timeline to chop? This is cookies kush #2

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Also this is a calyx I removed from her near the top that I had handled

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better quality shots
trich 1
trich 2
trich 3
trich 4
trich 5


Im seeing mostly clear


I agree, too many clear trichs to harvest this right now. It is a little odd there is so much amber though. Did you have issues with light damage or high temps?

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I think most of the amber is reflection from brown pistils

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@dbrn32 im not sure what has cause the amber trichs other than bud rot coming through but there was non on this flower


Do si do’s 33 #2 has been slow drying for a few weeks now and time to trim and jar!!! Trichs actually look decent and seems to be good in the jar :metal:t2: also it’s some pretty damn smooth smoke as well that sneaks up on you


Figured it was a good time to fire up the indoor tent for its first run from seed to harvest…wish me luck
3X3 AC Infinity grow tent kit
4 - 5 gallon AC infinity fabric pots
Strains- Barney’s Farm Glookies, Do si Do’s 33, and Cookies Kush.
Humboldt seeds- All gas og X Gelato “phenohunter”

3 days from the start of germination

Haven been planted in pots now using Happy Frog by Fox Farm, mixed in soil 10 TBSP of Happy frog tomato and vegetable 5-7-3 amendment, 3 cups each earthworm castings and added a cover crop of clover.
Then layered some hay.