Taking forever to mature - advice needed

Great question!

Hi there my one tree that I started with is taking forever to finish is the any advice you can help me with .
I have read through a lot of the guides and blogs but don’t see any thing that can help.
She’s been growing since 2015/09 and started frowning last year around 2016/10 and it’s still not maturing or filling

It is in a a 20L bucket with good drainage with a mix of (bought) herb fertilizer ,vermiculite ,potting soil and some worm rich soil and I added Epsom salts (still do every month)

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Pics are worth 1000 Words!
Is she in 12-12 light schedule?
If not she will not flower.

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Sorry I did send photos the first time but don’t know what happened anyway
She is an out door and entering her 2nd winter
So the lighting is roughly 7:00/7:25 to 17:30/18:15

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Wow I have read that pure sativas can take a full 24 weeks to finish flowering. Do you know what strain it is?
Anyway I will call in some more experience.
@garrigan62 @majiktoker @Countryboyjvd1971 @Donaldj

@Nug-bug is right, if its a pure sativa it can take up to 24 weeks to fully ripen and finish


Cool thanks people
Umm I’m really not it mite be -super brown- ( it tastes good so I planted a few seeds that came out the buds) well that’s what my supplier said , so the true name of the strain I don’t know , it’s like when ever a good strain comes into the country its name is automatically changed, which is rather frustrating but I have to deal with it for now

But once again thank you guys I thought I did something to my tree it’s the my oldest one

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Here’s an update on my old girl


Gorgeous! Looks really healthy. How are you feeding her?

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Thank you
To be honest i don’t feed her ,just put like a hand full of Epsom salts around the stem once a month or so and tap water as normal , but there’s a lot of heavy industrial vehicles around so I think the co2 levels are higher then normal so I think it’s a plus

Here’s an update on my old girl got some really nice buds off her but waiting for the rest



OMG looks crazy lol

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here’s how the regrow is going so far


Cool looking plant! To me it’s really strange looking but in a good way lol…just all bud arms…
How is that privacy screen? Can you tell what’s growing in there from say 100 feet?

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Thanks man I’ll post photos in about two days or so because I’m gonna harvest the regrowth

And the screen is good from about ten feet you can see a shadow but you have to know what’s growing to make out what’s on the other side

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